
I'm not happy; Why is this?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know what makes me happy; How can can I go about finding this?




  1. how do you know what food you like?

    what if you only ate food you hated?

    you'd be writting, i hate my food, what can i do about this? how do i know what food i like?

    well, you go and eat lots of different food. some of it you like, and some of it you don't so you seek the food you like and always try new ones so you might find food you like even better.

    so, right now you are unhappy because of how you spend your days. you need to spend your days differently. try different things. try new things. then  you will discover that some things you like better than what you do now, and some you like less.

    you need to act. you need to seek happiness. you don't need to know where it is in order to find it.

    when  you lose something, you don't just sit there and wonder where it is, and complain that it's lost and ask other people if they've seen it. and hopelessly give up looking for it because you don't know where it is.

    you get up and you look for it. that's the only way to find it. you need to get up and look for your happiness. not ask other people where it is. every person is different, happiness is different for every person. you need to go out and test, experience things, as much as you can until you know what makes you happy.

    if you really want to go crazy, what might be good for you to do would be to go to some other country like going to teach english or something.

  2. 1st make sure what the cause of this go to a shrink for evaluation  ,you probably suffer from depression you can get help if you want with medication .

  3. You can reply to my email.

    I remember you said, when I first asked, that you were not unhappy.

    Now you are saying you are - that is good! You have taken the first step in realising that you are.

    I wouldn't talk about this too much on a public forum unless you want all your negative thoughts to be seen by everyone.

    Just email and I'll talk with you.

    I answer the questions that you are asking a lot. And I give the best answer too.

    90 percent of the time...

    Not that it matters - what's more important is your happiness.

    So, please, email me back.

  4. there are multiple causes of depression.

    see a gp to get a referral to a c a therapist

  5. I suggest going to the library strolling through all the topics until you find yourself interested in something, or write down say for two weeks what you tend to do most with your "free time" hobbies, this could be hundreds of things you'll see a pattern in what you like doing.

    As for the feeling down if this is affecting your life and or you have these symptoms :

        * Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" feelings

        * Feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism

        * Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and/or helplessness

        * Irritability, restlessness

        * Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including s*x

        * Fatigue and decreased energy

        * Difficulty concentrating, remembering details and making decisions

        * Insomnia, early–morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping

        * Overeating, or appetite loss

        * Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts

        * Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment

    There is a lot to know about this you can read more here.

    please see a doctor asap if this sounds like you, you don't have to suffer this way.

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