
I'm not having a very good day today, When to buy things and when will my bump get bigger?

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I'm 24 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I found out I was having a girl 4 weeks ago. When I found out all I wanted to do was go out and buy things. So I went out and bought a bouncer chair, 8 or so baby grows, a snow suit, 4 or so sleepsuits, 2 pair of trousers and some little slippers. I had already bought 3 baby suits before. Oh and I've got the cot and a bath.

I'm due 19th December and I thought I'd wait until the end of October beginning of November (got to be end of the month as thats when my boyfriend gets paid) before i start to buy other things.

But for some reason today I was talking to someone else who's pregnant and looking on yahoo and everyone seems to have bought everything or at least be buying everything along time before there that far.

I've got the money to buy the things but as I still live at home so obviously space is abit of an issue I thought that it was a good idea to wait until later, plus there will be more winter clothes in the shop then

Does anyone else feel like this?

Also my belly is so small to say I'm nearly 25 weeks, some people don't even know I'm pregnant, I told my tutor I'd be in late tomorrow because I was at the midwife and she said she never even thought I was pregnant. Other people that aren't as far as me are alot bigger.

I think I'm just having a bad day today, If anyone else has felt like this if they could let me know are if anyone has any advice or anything that could cheer me up I'd love to hear from you.





  1. Hi I am 29 Weeks pregnant and went out last weeka nd got cot etc. I bought the bouncer and bedding at around 24 weeks. Plesae do not listen to anyone else as its you who is haviunbg the child and everything is up to you.

    People say That I am small but my midwife measured me and I am 29 cm just as I am 29 weeks. Do not panic. I seem to get up each morning and grown more but other people say Im small. I was a size 10 b4 and can still fit into them with an elastic band to fasten. You sure dont want to be massive. Please dont panic you will be fine.

  2. A lot of times especially if its your first child girls wont show as fast at all. Be glad your belly isnt huge that way you wont have stretch marks all over after birth. If you want to wait to buy then wait As long as you have a bed, bottles, clothes, diapers and food when the baby arrives you are ok. And like I said don't worry about your belly getting big as long as your doctor says the baby is healthy I wouldn't worry about it. Just think your body will look better after birth than the other girls who got bigger. :) Keep your head up you will be fine. Shop when you feel like shopping. As long as you have the neccesities you can buy the rest anytime. It sounds as though you have a pretty good start anyway!

  3. Well alot of people are different, they buy baby stuff when ever they want how you gonna complain about how some one else is buying stuff and there not that far long. Girl it just you that who is having a bad day and I don't see any reason to get mad cuz you are not showing that much.

  4. I know what you mean about wanting to go out and buy everything!! It's so exciting to be pregnant, and you feel like you need to get so many things ready for the baby that you have to start right away. I'm only 8 weeks, and i'm eager to shop.

    But i don't want to get too excited yet. There's still a while for me yet. It sounds like you're headed into your third trimester. Just be aware that the symptoms of pregnancy intensify again at this time, and you're likely to be more emotional than during the second trimester.

    Don't think that having all the latest baby stuff is a measure of how good a mom you are. you're baby will love you no matter what it does or doesn't have. you only need the basics. She won't notice if you don't get the best model pram, or if she only has one or two toys. All she needs is her mum, dad, and your b***s. lol. :) Think how cute your boyf will look when he's got that little baby girl in his arms!! I can't wait to see my hubby holding our baby!

  5. Don't worry yourself: you'll have time enough to show your bump.

    If it's not very evident, that doesn't mean something wrong is happening with the baby girl. I only put 15 pounds with my first baby and everything was ok.

    This compulsion to buy is normal. it's the "nest instinct"  for having everithing ready for the baby

    But you have to know than you don't need everything the commercials say.

    A baby is not so "expensive" if you buy just the essential things. Just a few clothes for the first weeks (not too many, they grow so fast that they don't have time enough to wear them!!), a bed,a trolley (is that the word?) and the security chair for the car.

    After she's born you will see what she needs

  6. some people buy things thru out the whole pregnancy usually because of tight bugdets or they just get carried away with the whole idea of having a baby lol i done that before. But now i usually wait until im about 6 months before i start to buy stuff for i always fear the worst could happen to me, as for you not really showing much i was the same way with my 1st pregnancy i only looked about 4-5 months pregnant when i was actually 7 lol dont worry your baby bump will get bigger especially towards the last few months :)

  7. i dont know if this will cheer you up or not chicken but i have only got little over 3 weeks to go and i still dont have everythig, me and my partener also have the money to just got out and start buying but there are so many things we need as we've had to fully decorate our new house as we had just moved in when i found out i was pregnant, still need all carpets through out house and a sofa and still need nursery suite although that not major at mo as she'll be in our room, still need baby bath, rain cover for push chair, bottles, changing mat etc... i just dont have the time to get it all on my own and my bf works 6 days a week at the mo, i too feel down all the time, and my emotions all over the place i do somethime cry for nothing, although i cant wait for my little girl to arrive i just wish i had a bit more time,

  8. Bad days! Jeez, I think I had bad moments. I don't think a day went by that I wasn't happy, elated, exhausted, grumpy, relaxed, nervous and downright mean in a single 12 hour period. I waited quite a while before getting stuff even though I had a spare room. Maybe because I procrastinate, but I think I'm just catious too. And after everything, she was born and she was so small we had to run out and buy premie clothes. She was born in September when everything's getting chilly. Our water accidently got shut off while we were in the hospitol and they said they couldn't get it back on for 2 days! What I'm trying to get at, is you'll never be truly ready, you'll always forget something and need to pick it up later, and something is sure to happen that throws a wrench in everything. The amazing thing about being a parent is your new ability to multi-task and conquer anything that comes up. So take your time, browse, look for beautiful things, and find great bargains. And enjoy the shopping up until the very last week and then on. Don't rush to get everything now or you'll just get more than you'll ever use by the time the baby arrives. Get essentials, like some onesies, carseat, crib, bottles,diapers, blankets. And let the cute things catch your eye as you window shop and enjoy it and relax.  

  9. I am 3 months and everyone can already tell I'm preg I can't believe how big my tummy has gotten..and I love it!! so i can understand u want it to grow it will u may just have higher metabolism or something. I want to go out and buy a bunch of stuff for my baby also but i am going to wait til i find out what it is at my 20 week appt I have 8 weeks to go! My sister already had her whole baby's room done at 5 months

  10. buy stuff whenever you feel comfortable doing so, there no rule....whenever ur ready too. i blew up and got a huge belly between 6-7 months. at 5 months you wouldn't have even known. oh and just a heads up, i know they told you, you are having a girl, but my girlfriend had a baby last month 3D ultrasound and all, they told her it was a girl. well she had a boy lol, i dont think that is common with the 3D ultra sound but apparently it does happen from time to time. she had everything pink and her baby shower was all pink, thank god walmart is good for returns Lol. congrads to you!

  11. Hunny I'm 36 weeks and just finished up my shopping... I just didn't feel like going... I still don't have her room ready though...

  12. Hi you are buying things at the perfectly normal rate, you have got the basics that you need and as you are due iin decmeber its not that far away. You are being sensible, they probably are just getting thing that they dont really need and thats why it seems they are getting things earlier on than you but still, you are doing the best thing as like you say winter clothes are in then and you baby will be needing winter clothes, the only thing is the pram, but if you can just go out and buy one nearer your due date then thats great.

    Dont worry about your bump, I too wasnt very big at all, and people have only these past weeks actaully noticed that I am pregnant and I am 40 weeks tomorrow, How shocking is that ? People are like when you due and im like anytime now lol and there like omg, I didnt think you were that far along.

    I have been told I have a nice neat bump and kept my shape, but even thought they thing that is good, I wanted a big bump to show off, but never got it lol until now lol, but never mind this is my first and I am only small so I guess I shouldnt have a huge bump, but like you when you see people everyone looks bigger that you and you just think, whens my bump going to appear. then when it does your nearly ready for having your baby.

    Im just picturing peoples faces when they see me pushing a pram and they didnt even know I was expecting in the first place, they'll be like how did that happen lol.

    I just see the funny side of it now, as the thing is I have had a good pregnancy, so far Ill tell you how labour was in a few days if I dont go even more over, my due date is tomorrow, but for me my pregnancy has gone quick, I havent been in too much pain, I can still walk, and I havent moaned once.or put on loads of weight, So I can give myself a pat on the back for that.

    Before I was pregnant I knew a few family members that just winged all the way thorught there pregnancy, Im like what are they moaning about, yep it not the most comfortable time in your life and you are aching or hurting somewhere and you cannot sleep, but its not that bad. You dont look you best most of the days and you have big feet and swollen legs and ankles and nothing fits, but whose to complain when you have your baby at the end of it all.

    Just do things you own way and never compare how someone is buying something or how big your bump is ? It just adds to the stress you know your little one is there inside you and thats all that matters.

    I forgot to say the reason why I wasnt very big up until recently was because my baby was lieing across me in the transverse position, I didnt find out till I was 29 weeks. I was given excercises to do and when I did them he moved then I had a magic apperaing bump lol,

    If you baby is breach then start doing these excercises now to get him to turn as I was worring sick about my baby all the time being the wrong way and I was crying and a mess, all you do is get a gym ball or rock back and forth on all fours that help me, I stud up and felt my baby well wack me on the bladder and that how I knew he was where he should be.  

  13. You have gotten much further than I have.

    I have only brought some bottles and a few sleepers that all.

    But I am having a few baby showers as well so I don't have to get much.

    Some days I feel crappy as well but I just rub my tummy and talk to my baby and know that she will love me no matter what and always be there ween I need her.  

  14. I will probably wait until I am 6 or 7 mos to go shopping.  15 weeks and have not bought one single thing.

  15. As for your belly, be patient. I am huge and have been for quite some time. My sister is just 12 weeks ahead of me and I am bigger than she was at this point, lol. Everyone is different and you will hear that alot. I can understand wanting to show, I have been proud of my bump (so people know Im pregnant and not fat).

    As for shopping, go at the pace thats good for you. I have had my nursery pretty much done for a month now, and she wont even be sleeping in there the first few months,lol. So much stuff isnt needed right away so why have the clutter now. And remember people always get you stuff throughout. I always suggest buying diapers as you go, you WILL need them!!! Good luck and just go with your gut not what others say.

    PS I had a second opinion on my little girl, there was no doubt it was a girl so I shouldnt have any surprises, lol.  

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