
I'm not interested in catching up with people I used to know, am I a jerk for that?

by  |  earlier

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I am just really not interested, however I wish I was.




  1. i'm just like you. i used to know them, but now things has changed. we just discover different interests. i just don't have time in my life for them anymore if they don't fit my current lifestyle. its a bit mean i know, but i guess we all have a bit of that feeling of "can't be bothered".

  2. yea ur a jerk but jerks are hot

  3. No you're not.  I feel the same way.  

  4. I don't think you're a jerk for that...I'm not interested in catching up with people I used to know either

  5. No you're not... i'm not really either... theres some people we like and care about knowing about and some we don't. Everyones like that

  6. I don't think you are, some people want to cling to the past, or relive the "good old days". Others want to move on and experience new things. I don't think you're a jerk for that.

  7. I feel the same way. I was pressured into getting a Facebook account (I'm more of a MySpace kind of person) so that I could keep in touch with the d-bags from high school.. some of them message me and stuff but I don't bother to message them back because, quite frankly, I don't care to. Especially the people that I wasn't friends with in high school that are like "omg how have you been?" ... if I didn't talk to you back then, why would I want to talk to you now?

    So, maybe you are a jerk for that.. but you're not the only one.

  8. nope! i dont care either about the people i used to know

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