
I'm not ready for school!?

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my school starts tomorrow, and i am so not ready!. i'm starting jr. high. (7th grade). and i am sooo nervous and not mentally ready. could someone who's "been there, done that" give me some tips so i'll feel more prepared and not so nervous?

thanks so much! ;P




  1. oh don't worry about it. i got the same way, (i'm going in my second yea of college) but believe me you are going to meet some great people. some you will like some you will hate. but will make new friends some will become your best friends forever. but you will love it, i know i did, but i did love high school way more.  

  2. Nobody is. Just suck it up, it won't be as bad as you think it will. School sucks major d**k, we all know it. Get in, get it over with, get out and forget  it.

  3. well i already started school and im in 7th grade to but its easy its just like 6th grade but a little more to it and if youre not ready then study the things you learned last year so if they ask a question that remember from youre studies it could help alot

  4. i'm going into 8th grade. its my 3rd year of middle school, and my last =]

    i'm definetly ready to go back! i can't wait.


    1st of all: making friends, it may seem soo hard, i remember on my first day of 6th grade everyone was in a group talking w/ their friends and i knew nobody. and in 1st period spanish i almost cried. but friends came so quick, i didnt have to try at all. if you talk, arnt mean or super shy..or very weird, people will start talking to you & you'll have friends in no time, i promise.

    teachers...most of them are not very mean at all. they arnt nice like kindergarten teachers, but they arnt evil or give too much homework.

    i dont really know what you need advice about exactly, but you can IM me or email me anytime and i will help you! =]

  5. I was once in 7th grade many, many, many years ago. I know how you feel going into a school with 7th and 8th graders. It is normal for you to feel like that. You will meet new people, new teachers, new school, and have new friends. Just get plenty of sleep tonight. Get your stuff ready and be prepared for a new day of school! When you are feeling nervous, take deep breaths and breath out slowly. Keep telling yourself "You can do this with flying colors." Listen to some music on your way to school to help you relax. Don't forget to eat a good breakfast and get plenty of rest for each day of school. So enjoy your first day with meeting new friends, but most importantly, enjoy a new education of 7th grade!  

  6. Be sociable and you will be fine! Middle School is great!

    P. S. Doing your homework will make things sooo much easier!

  7. junior high's stupid. its the same thing as elementry school, just you switch classes.

    don't sweat it.

  8. try not to over analyze everything take it as it comes try not to freak out because things probably wont be as bad as u imagine them. take deep breaths and remember that most people are feeling the same way too

  9. Just smile, give your best and have CONFIDENCE in yourself!!  Confidence is the very best accessory to any outfit :o)  Ask your friends if they are feeling as anxious as you are.  They are probably feeling the exact same way!  This way you won't feel alone or out of touch with everyone else.  Try organize time for yourself...a study schedule, and stick with it so you have a routine.  Before you know it, you'll be organized and ready for the next day when it comes.  This way you will be less anxious because you will be prepared for anything that comes your way.  Don't pay too much attention to the boys...they are way cuter when you get to high school ;o)

    Study hard and good luck!  You will be fine, trust me!

  10. You just have to relax. Do you judge people on what they wear? Truthfully, most people are too focused on what people think of them to NOTICE other people. Just wear what you feel comfertable with, don't stress. If you start school sports and its too stressful (hard to keep up with schoolwork) you can always quit. Don't worry. Relax. Breathe. :-)

  11. just relax i been thoufht that just last year try not to think about it at all also think about the positive things  

  12. i don't know if you'll find this helpful but if you have a friend to go with to your school and if they have some classes with you, i would reccomend to go with a friend or someone you know well. Since for you it "starts tomorrow" then i won't really reccomend this but do it for your next year: go to your school's Open House (if you have one) and walk around it getting to know your classrooms and stuff. Then you won't be as worried about getting lost. If you make a map for yourself or a mental image on how to get from one class to another, that will also help. To get rid of worries, get a good night's sleep and eat a good breakfast the next morning. wake up early so you won't have to rush in the morning. Get to school on time or earlier if possible so you may be able to look around a bit if you haven't been able to already. do something that will calm you down , whatever that may be. You could also get someone you know that has been there already (a sibling?) to show you around and answer some questions if they are willing. .. yes and Think Positively . yes. i know. very annoying phrase. guess what? i'm entering 7th grade too but i've already been to the same school in 6th so i am familiar with the building...  okay so i hope that helped a little. :) (oh and do you have everything for tomorrow? are you sure? EVERYTHING??? check, check, double check... plan plan... plus put on comfy clothes so you won't be uncomfortable while nervous too.. not a good feeling)

  13. I had the same problem. I was as nervous as you were because i have a little speech problem. Its not "stuttering" but i kinda hezitate on words. and was sooo nervous because i thought that kids would make fun me. But once my mom explained to the teacher that i did this she was very supporting. So my best advice for you is just to go in the school, act likeyou know what you're doing and before you know it, you wont be nervous at all. :)

  14. Its easy to be nervous, but just stick with your friends, and be intelligent in what you say and how you act. You'll be fine. Just remember everyone else is just starting too.  

  15. your school starts on a Friday? thats weird.

    just go with the flow of the day. you are just thinking about it too much. its normal for people to be nervous when going to a new school. you will feel the same way when you switch to high school, and then on to college.  

  16. i just graduated from jr.high and i was so nervous on the first day but i absoultly love jr. high after the frst day you will love it just find and friend and stick with them al day and you will be fine good luck :) just be happy you are not going to high school yet like me talk about nervous

  17. Dont be nerves. everything will be ok. Trust me. I have been there. Done that.

  18. Think about how all of your friends will be their

    Think about your favorite subject

    Think of lots of pro's of how fun this year will be

    Look forward to some upcoming exciting events coming up in your schoolyear.

    It helped me, I hope it can help you!  xoxoxoxo

  19. you imagine it to be worse than it is. everyone does. when i first started i thought i'd get lost all the time, and never learn my way around. within a day i was used to it all. you'll see some people you know, and you can hang with them until you get to know more. :) honestly, everyone makes it easy for you. just be you, everyone will like it ;D

  20. I started 7th grade 2 weeks ago and I was terrified, but there was nothing to be scared of! I love it! :) You'll have fun;...

  21. darn i started school this week(10th grade)

    sounds lame but stick with freinds

  22. first of all have ALL school supplies

    act your usual self, i bet by half of the day you'll gain more friends

    don't even act shy to new classmates and teachers..

    that way you could avoid awkward silences or moments..

    feel comfortable where you are :) good luck!

    don't worry you're not the only one.. i've been there!

  23. Junior high was like the best time of my life, my brother started this year and he loves it. Lucky, you start on a Friday, we started on the 13th! Don't be nervous, there are kids coming in from all sorts of different schools, most of my friends now didn't even go to my elementary school.

  24. Stick with your friends and be nice to everyone you meet. There's nothing to worry about! =)

  25. I started middle school in 6th grade, I was nervous before I went, but I ended up getting classes with alot of my friends from elementry and made new friends too.

  26. well its easy! just be urself and focus on skool work then ur friends cuz when i started middle skool i screwed around and didnt pay attention and i almost had to go to summer shcool!!!! so just pay attention and ull be alright...its not as bad for u cuz on monday im starting highskool!

  27. just make sure that you have your list of classes, but don't worry because on the first day of school, teachers are more forgiving so if you accidentally go to the wrong class they'll just help you

  28. dont freak out

    you want to make a good impression so my advice is act cool and stuff tomarow and than u can freak out the next day.  but really dont worry the first day is always a little scary just think about that it will be over in like 7 hours or whatever

  29. Give lots of huggs tomorrow that can help. Maybe wake up early enough so you can hang out 2 or so hours before leaving. That can ready your mind and being tired might help detract you from the pressure.

    I know what you mean! Get with your game!

    Just look how many people answer your question! They can all relate and all feel for you! We're all in it together lol

  30. Seriously, just try not to panic, i know it sounds easier than it is, but trust me, you have nothing to worry about!

    I dreaded it too, but, after the first day is done, you realize it was not that bad at all!

    Good luck x

  31. okay im going in to high school and im telling you, im nervous too, dont worry you'll be fine! just dont get lost if you have a big school, trust me, but make friends and chill

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