
I'm not saying this just to be crude or gross, but seriously, please answer this question....pleez?

by  |  earlier

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Have you ever gone to the bathroom (#2) in the semi darkness, while listening to it rain outside? that has got to be the most relaxing thing in EVER. I'm not lying, if you have done this, tell me, if you have not, you have to try it. (pleez no stupid or pointed replies.) I almost fell asleep I was so relaxed. XD




  1. hehe. um yeah i fell asleep bruching my teeth! whoops?

  2. It's quite relaxing, particularly after I have a few beers and is one of the few pleasure of life, indeed.

  3. Well, not in the rain, but I have gone to the bathroom during a minor earthquake. That was freaky.

  4. now that is natural relaxation and yes it would make me sleep too.seriously

  5. Haha!  Reminds me of that Scrubs episode where Janitor has a toilet on the roof lol!  It was his "Epiphany Toilet"!

  6. The rain is monotonous so that is why you start daydreaming , falling asleep ....

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