
I'm not sexist,but why is it when driving it's nearly always women who have trouble at roundabouts?

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I'm not sexist,but why is it when driving it's nearly always women who have trouble at roundabouts?




  1. It cos the men get in their way, men do not respect women drivers in general,  

  2. Its because women suck at driving full stop. Thats why they are c**p at going around a little round and make complete nobs of themselves. They should all be taken of the road. Sorry if i have offended anybody but i don't give a s**t

  3. True and why do women give the finger ?

    when the finger is a guys domain.

  4. And to think they get cheaper insurance!

  5. women are just shiit drivers, it's not their fault.

  6. and how do you know this? do you stand there all day long and watch who goes around 3 times before they get the right road? wtf? we drive around in circles for fun, cuz we need to learn how to weave our way around mens bull$hit

  7. This may sound funny coming from a woman, but i have noticed the same thing.

    My first question would be; are you in the US or another country where roundabouts are not standard?

    Men and women have few brain differences, but we have great hormone differences. Everyone knows men have higher testosterone levels, and testosterone is a hormone linked to aggression.

    I live in the suburbs of Chicago, and near my house is a roundabout, very strange for the area. As Americans, very few people deal with these all the time, so the rule is to go balls-out, jam your car into traffic, flip the other guy off, and screech around the curve laughing.

    In short; be aggressive.

    My personal hypothesis is that women, being less aggressive, negotiate this heavy traffic with less success. I can't prove it, but that's my hypothesis after observation.

    Still, I'm a chick, take those d**n things balls-out, and never have a problem.

    Also, in response to another poster, we have lower insurance rates because impartial statistical analysis says we cause less accidents. Are women or men the better drivers? That's a personal opinion. Are women less dangerous on the road? That's established fact.

  8. Actually, your question reveals that you are....

    I think the test would be whether the trouble at roundabouts still exists if every driver in the roundabout was female

    We'd also have to see what the traffic is like when it is all male drivers.

    My guess is that the combination of agressive drivers and conservative drivers is what causes the biggest problems - Not the s*x of the drivers.

    I would also hypothesize that the next worst situation is all male.

    Having all female drivers in the roundabouts probably will lead to he fewest problems.

    I will concede that it is likely that more of the conservative drivers will be female and that more of the aggressive drivers are male.  But this in no way implies that the males are "better" drivers - just greater risk takers (statistically)

  9. Because there's a lot of crappy female drivers where you live?

  10. I'm not sexist either, but why is it always men who have trouble stopping at red lights?

  11. because taking your time, means trouble for you,

  12. because women dont belong on the road, only in the kitchen, haha jk proly because men love driving and drive alot more then women do thats y

  13. you are sexist

  14. Women just don't drive as well as men in general.  Theres an exception for a few female race car drivers but there aren't many of those.  The man should always do the driving unless he's drunk than its ok to let the woman drive.

  15. Because men's and women's brains work different. Men are task-focused- I need to go to the store- and he goes with a single-mindedness like hunting wild game. Women are multi-taskers and their minds reflect it when driving, shopping, etc. The mind says- I need to go to the store, and buy milk, eggs, to make that cake, cereal, oh Megan doesn't like corn flakes, etc. Multi-tasking is cool and useful but distracting. Could make one lose their attention while driving since driving for most people becomes second nature instead of the primary focus it should be.

    No charge.

  16. They never let you out at juctions either, even if they have to put the foot down to stop you pulling out. you have to wait for a bloke to drive up to let you out. arrrgggghhh and dont get me started on supermarkets

  17. I have been driving for 30 yrs and that isn't my experience.

    What I have noticed is that mini-cab drivers and certain racial groups are poor drivers (in London), but I suspect this is due to starting to learn to drive later in life.

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