
I'm not sure if I'm seeing correctly but does mccain has that green thing behind him again? ?

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I'm not sure if I'm seeing correctly but does mccain has that green thing behind him again? ?




  1. Mold?

  2. the blue screen? is your tv color going not seeing green anywhere on the screen

  3. Proper grammar please!

  4. No.

    It's BLUE.

    like the States he's going to WIN.

    Or that Code Pink goof who just interrupted his speech.

    As he called it "ground noise and static."


  6. It is a picture of the white house and the green is the lawn.

  7. He's got a thing for pasty white in front of sickly green.

  8. it's a green screen, so they can out whatever picture/video/color they want behind him

  9. Yup.  Then they changed it.  

    His campaign folks are a bit touched in the head.

  10. Huh?? WTF?

  11. Its probably money !

  12. Those little voices in your head are clouding what senses you may have left.Help is available!

  13. He's speaking in front of a large screen. The first image was one of the White House. The second was a picture of the flag against a blue sky. When a camera is zoomed in, all you see is the green grass of the first image or the blue of the second.

    Really poor backdrop planning.

  14. Poor old John McCain has something green coming out of his butt????  

    Maybe Palin could change his diaper.

  15. Apparently the Kermit the Frog background is back.

    EDIT:: now it's blue. I suppose it's technicolor night. LOL!!

  16. I guess they had to put something behind him that was nice to look at besides one can only take so much of his face.  

  17. Don't see what you are talking about.

  18. Did you blow your nose recently?  Check and see what's on your glasses!

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