
I'm not sure if my hamster has a broken leg how can I tell?

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I'm pretty sure her leg is broken because she was in her excercise ball and she rolled outside and my little cousin kicked it thinking it was a football, she still eats and drinks but she limps.. I'm not sure which foot is even sore? what do I do? do I have to see a vet? please help!.. much appreciated!




  1. Take her to the vet. It doesn't seem like it's serious. I'm sure it will be ok.

    Good Luck.

  2. Poor girl! My second hamster jumped from my hands and broke/sprained his front leg.

    Contrary to what some people think, they /are/ really tough little guys! They are prey animals, and therefore are excellent at adapting and heal very fast. Another one of my hamsters got glaucoma and lost both his eyes; even though he was completely blind, he thrived and lived for another 6 months and died of old age when he was 4.

    Make sure everything is accessible and not too high; if you have a cage with tunnels for her, you should probably take those out in case she hurts herself even worse or gets stuck.

    If she continues to eat, drink, p**p, breath normally, and can still get around well enough, then I don't think you have to take her to the vet. However, if her condition declines and she can no longer get around, I would suggest taking her in. The vet won't be able to fix her leg, but might prescribe some pain medications so she's more comfortable.

    Other than that, there's nothing you can do. Try to keep a close eye on her to make sure she doesn't get any worse. Good luck!

  3. she may just have sprained a limb, but there could be a fracture somewhere since hamsters are quite fragile...

    i'd suggest taking her to the vet to be sure...

  4. Look over her, watch how she walks, pick her up, and slightly touch where you think it might be broken, it she squirms...Bring her to the vet, if you care about her that much.. you'll pay if she needs an x-ray :)

  5. I think you are right. If he limps their is a problem. Hamsters' bones cant be set. Go to your vet. Vets can be costly and dont always treat hamsters. Keep examining and Im sure he will be okay. Hope your hammy feels better! Best wishes!

  6. poke it and see if the hamster attacks you

  7. Leave him in his cage and don't handle him for the time-being. If he's injured and you handle him, he will associate you with the pain, plus you could make it worse.

    Leave his food on the floor of the cage, away from where he pees. Make sure his water bottle is where he doesn't have to reach. Remove the wheel, and all climbing equipment. Only leave him with his hiding place and bedding and litter and chew things. Take out all other toys.

    If it's a multilevel home, you may have to put him in a 10 gallon tank temporarily, to avoid worsening the injury.

    If it is a broken leg, there is nothing to do but wait for it to heal. Vets don't put casts on little dudes like that. And taking him to a vet would only traumatize him, since there's not much they can do for a hamster in most cases.

    If it is a spinal injury, he won't get better after a month and you'll know. Plus, he may die before then because it could hinder his ability to go to the bathroom. If he doesn't go potty for a day or so, it may be best to have him humanely euthanized to end the suffering.

    There is also the chance he has neck or brain damage. It can make them walk really strange. If it is this, or there are any internal injuries, he will probably die by the time you wake up tomorrow.

    Unfortunately, these animals are pretty fragile and can't handle big trauma. The best thing you can do is minimize climbing, and keep things warm and quiet and pretty dark. That way he will be comfortable and won't have to be afraid.

  8. Best thing you can do is take her to a vet, self diagnosis is no good and anything you are told on here is just opinions so for her sake got to the vet.

  9. if it is broken, then your vet wont be able to do anything. just dont allow her to climb onto anything or go in her wheel for at least 6 weeks. think thats what it is

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