
I'm not sure what is wrong with me.?

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Sometimes i think i am bipolar. And sometimes i think i have manic depression, and my school counselor said she thinks i may have PT SD.

I get mad at the stupidest things, and i cry very easily. I am more of the type of person who sits back in the corner while everyone else is laughing and dancing. I like having friends, i just don't like to go hang out with a lot of people. I like to stay at home and paint, and play guitar. And i love being with my boyfriend. Sometimes i yell at him for no reason and I'll immediately start crying because i feel bad for yelling. It's like i expect people to read my mind, and know what im thinking and if not then i get hurt. Im not sure what im asking excactly. But maybe someone understands this?




  1. bipolar and manic depressive is the same thing. to be bipolar, you should have mood swings, like one day you are feeling depressed and dont want to do anything and sleep all day, and then the next day you experience lots of energy and wont go to sleep. And it makes it difficult for you to make everyday desicions. one day you may want to do something, and the next youll want to do something else. I dont think that you are manic depressive if you havent had any depression episodes. you dont want to be manic depressive. PTSD is caused by something really terrible that you experience in your life, I dont think you have PTSD unless you have seen a family member getting crushed by a truck or something similar. what you may have is a personality disorder, try googling for personality disorders and try this website, is called mayoclinic. they will tell you the symptoms of every personality disorder. I am bipolar myself, thats how I know about this stuff.

  2. I feel the same way all the time... I have no idea if its bipolarness, but my mom was bipolar and I dont know if its genetic. Just try to work through it :]

    btw maniac depression and bipolarism are the same thing

  3. I'm not a psychologist, but it sounds like it might be some sort of depression or bipolar disorder.  

    Not everyone is social in the same way, though.  Just because you like to stay home and paint doesn't mean you have a social anxiety disorder, or that you are depressed.  

    I strongly recommend you visit a trained professional for an accurate diagnosis.

  4. You don't have bipolar. You might have depression. See a doctor.

  5. this is exactly i know that doesnt answer your question but everything i read here is exactly me except i dont cry that easily im just SUPER ANGRYY all the time and i like to have friends, but i dont really like to chill with them a lot and i just love being with my boyfriend and ill be pyscho ***** attacks on him....mmm..but i dont think im depressed..and i dont think you are either. and YES I EXPECT PEOPLE TO READ MY MIND TOOOO

    i personally think its just an anger problem and you just get mad yourself as well fo rbeing angry so you just cry about to a counseler..i think im going to anger become more peaceful..everyone has mood swings..just try and do things that make you happy and talk to someone and dont believe everything ur counseller or therapist says because they are just quick to diagnois you with something u DONT HAVE AND you end up taking drugs that ruin ur life and make you more depressed..

    talk to a parent..or even your about how you are..thats what i do..and it helps...

    cuz i talked to my boyfriend explaining to him HOW I AM..the things i do..i get angry quick blah blah..and he loves me and comfots me..and i think ur bf will be the same and help u through it

  6. Hun the best way to find out is to tell your parents this and get to a doctor to see what the problem is.No need to get this way find out whats going on.Diagnose this problem.Hugs to you.

  7. my grandma and mom have it , bipolar disease .

  8. pms/antisocial/bipolar disorder

  9. Well bipolar disorder and manic depression are the same thing. It sounds to me that you have depression. Maybe not necessarily PT SD because based on what you wrote there was no traumatic experience. I also don't think you have bipolar disorder because you would also have episodes where you feel you are on top of the world and feelings of euphoria and you did not describe that. Symptoms of depression can be feelings on just wanting to be alone, irritability, loss in interest of things once enjoyed, etc.  Your best bet would be to go talk to your doctor and maybe he/she can recommend a therapist that you could talk to.  

  10. I have to tell ya, I feel the same ways sometimes, and I have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and depression, but taking meds helps, so go see a Dr!

  11. It may be just normal, it is only not normal if your emotions are not changing or if you think there's a problem that affects your emotions.

    If you think that's who you really are,that's fine.

  12. It sounds like you're bored with your life (spoiled). Try helping those less fortunate than yourself. Work at a soup kitchen or volunteer in a children's hospital and you won't have time to feel sorry for yourself any more.

  13. Well, if you think that you're manic depressive, then you should be seeing someone other than your school counselor. You need to be professionally evaluated. Many people face such problems, and you need to decide how to best manage yours. It sounds to me like you're experiencing so many emotions, without just feeling at peace. I would encourage you to see someone about this.  

  14. I had a human X-stepmother with bipolar disorder. She would Yell and get furious for no reason, then cry about it. Lying and Narcissism also come along with the disorder. Basically..a Bipolar person is always combative, super sensitive, lying, self centered, and impossible to live with. It sounds to me like you just have a loose trigger and are prone to snapping without thinking why. It could just be that your stressed, and your could grow out of it. However if it is really serious talk to someone and find Professional help.

  15. Don't let anyone put you on medication it's a trap.

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