
I'm not sure who I want to vote for?

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Who do you think is a better candidate in the U.S. presidential election? Persuade me please.




  1. You see at the top there, its a little search windows. if you use it, you may get your answer from any of the 10000 posts before you asking the same thing.


  2. do your own research on both candidates and do not get information on this site! Really see what they stand for and how their stance on the issues fall into line with your own. Figure out what is most important to you and you family and who best represents those intrests. Then vote for that person.

  3. You should do a pro's and con's list on both of the candidates and the vp's as well. Its your vote and your life!!!

  4. I'm not going to try to persuade you one way or t'other.  I will ask you to do your own due diligence and find the candidate who speaks best for you.  Barring that, if you really can't decide, you can always leave that part of your ballot blank; choosing not to choose is still a viable, and honorable, choice

  5. Depends.  If you want government to decide what the best health decisions are for you, if you want more taxes on oil companies with fewer oil supplies (both causing prices to rice for the end-consumer), if you want elegant scripted speeches but confused off-the-cuff speaking, vote Obama.

    If you oppose socialism and believe in private enterprise and free-market economies, select the lesser of the two evils and vote for McCain.  Obviously that's where my vote is headed.  Not happy about it, but I cannot vote for an avowed fan of Marxism who shows it in his policies.


    Compare the issues yourself, it's your vote! :)

  7. I'm not going to persuade you but you should look at their positions read about them and form some kind of position.  And hurry hurry you don't have too long.

  8. This election is very important. America is facing some of the greatest challenges ever before in history. You need to research both the candidates and vote for the candidate who you believe to be the best to handle the current problems our great country faces today.

    Vote Smart!

    Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

    Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

  9. 20 years time there will be no US, only an area of The North American Union. It will become a police state directed by the new world order, there are many many fema prison camps being built in the US, the population will be carefully reduced by 85% This agenda is both of McCain and Obamas agendas.

  10. you do have the option to write in your choice if you so choose...and can pick me..

  11. It really depends on how you feel about issues that mean the most to you. Find out the canadiates views on issues and make your decision from there.

  12. Forget all else, who do you really think is telling you the truth... I think you know, if not, keep listening.  You've got til November.  The truth will set you free!  

  13. Vote for Pedro.

  14. Vote for the real American!

  15. No one!  They always say they're gonna try to change the world but they never do. Politics will always be corrupt.  

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