
I'm not the first to ask this question but is Science proving the existence of an intelligent creator?

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With DNA coding long underway and many species complete DNA blueprints mapped out, is the similar yet different arrangement of the same basic building blocks in such a perfect pattern that allows for near perfect or perfect repetition of design Sciencetists' way of proving the existence of one or more intelligent creators?

Furthermore with Stardust the basic building block of all life and other forms of material being, is there a single like-minded conscious intelligent creator or many working together and in opposition of one another even on and within our own planet or within our own selves?

Is the Energy that is the basic building block of Science and The Power of God(s) to create all that is different in any way shape or form besides the name of which we give the creative forces that are both within and beyond each form of being conscious or unconscious of itself and others?




  1. No, nothing in the current discoveries implies (let alone proves) what you call an intelligent creator. Anyone who says otherwise is simply engaging in wishful thinking -- they want it to be true, so they see "proof" where there is none.  "Stardust" is a poetic term without scientific validity.

  2. I'm of a mind that the "controversial" (why, oh why, do they call it that?) theory of intelligent design is nothing more than a simple proposition. As I understand it, the proposition is this: Maybe, as scientists and not philosophers, we should be open to the possibility that the atheists might, just might, have it wrong.

    Also, if science can be said to have "proved" anything about the existence of a Creator, it is that the Cosmos itself is an immensely intelligent and infinitely higher power.

  3. Looking for God through Science is silly. Looking for God period is silly...

  4. It only proves that this all carbon based life originated from a single cell and that carbon forms of life are the only type recognized as being able to live in our world.

  5. if you want to have faith in God, that's fine.

    God doesn't teach science.

    and science doesn't prove, or disprove, God.

    the near perfect dna duplication allows life to exist.

    if it did not, some other form that was near perfect would come along and replace it.

    it wouldn't be at all surprising if that didn't happen several times, in the beginning.

    just don't look at science to prove your, or any other, religion.

  6. I think this answer was answered centuries ago.

  7. Science is impartial either way. It does not say that there is no creator, and it does not say that there is. All it is trying to do is find answers, and not jump to conclusions without reasonable evidence. So if a creator does exist, then science will eventually prove it, and if not, then it will eventually prove that too.

  8. You don't seem to be taking into account that an intelligent creator may not exist.

    Why does A have to lead to B? Science is neither proving or disproving the question.

  9. Science doesn't prove or disprove the existence of a "Creator", but it DOES prove that either there is no "intelligent designer" or that any such designer is not actually very intelligent!

  10. start here, then read "The God Delusion"

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