
I'm not trying to be racist but is it true that black people naturally have bigger p***s's than white people?

by  |  earlier

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no offence to any race i'm just curious




  1. Everything I've heard and read says that this is false, just like most other stereotypes.  Can't blame black people for letting this one continue though...

  2. Of course they do. Their p***s is 3 times the size of a normal white man's one, it has angel wings and it can play the violin.

  3. Yup i have a huge one

  4. Myth. I see a lot of everyones parts in my line of work and it is just a myth. Every race has every size.

  5. from what i've read it's a rumour as regards the length but they are thicker which again according to what i've read makes for a better lover because a woman's v****a feels fuller so black men have a better reputation

  6. I believe so

  7. Sorry about Warren's huge one above.  If his girth is just as big, s*x with him would be a challenge for most girls to enjoy. He will have to be very careful not to hurt girls: knocking into the cervix hurts; He will not be able to go more than once or so a night as average girls will be sore and may get an infection where they pee. One guy I know has to use a donut so his p***s does not go in too far and has to use a lot of lube which personally irritates his mate's v****a. No pounding the pubic area for him. Again he has to go slow; no getting wild with fast pounding with big guy Warren. May be he will be lucky and find some lady who's v****a is as rare as his p***s in size. Otherwise, he may be doomed to be one of those guys many women might like to "carefully" play with on a one night stand but would never take home for regular use. By "careful" I include the most superficial oral jobs and no anal penetration. Good luck to Warren with his special burden.

    From information derived from the Durex condom survey and other data on AVERAGE p***s sizes including the Master's and Johnson and Kinsey studies the following are the approximate results:

    1. Blacks: 5.85-6.25 inches

    2. Caucasians: 5.5-6.0 inches

    3. Asians: 5.0-5.5 inches

    Statistically these survey results may likely not be significant

    due to undisclosed data about the samples drawn.

    As a personal researcher on p***s size data I would support the categories and rank by race of the data. Ironically the bell curve ranks intelligence just the opposite with asians at the top, blacks at the bottom and caucasians in the middle. Whether evolutionary significance predisposes the black race to generally have larger numbers of individuals with average and above average size remains to be verified but is strongly suggested in most sexuality surveys conducted over the last 50-65 years.

    Note: p***s sizes by race are also classified by range: So that it may be truthfully stated based on the available evidence that almost 70% (68.13%) OF ALL MEN have an erect p***s between (4 inches - 8 inches) approximately. However it is strongly suspected by this researcher that the population of all ethnic groups of adult men in the world is not 'normally' distributed and so results will not conform to measures of central tendency exactly as should be predicted. In other words in the absence of strict statistical tests and measures of the population, values of p***s size by race should be considered hieuristics or rule of thumb or general notions based on 'some' tests, observations, self-reports, historical and other documents etc. and nothing more or less.

    I do believe the suggestive evidence however from my own checks that Asians do have average p***s length some where close to 5 inches. This researcher however can attest to a self-report of an Asian male who claimed a 7 inch p***s and from estimates of p***s lengths observed among Asian p**n actors, reasonable measurements could approximate 6-8 inches.

    Note: p**n actors however of whatever race are selected primarily based on significantly larger than average p***s size (length &/or width) for the startling and sometimes traumatic/fear-based psychological effect produced. This effect supports the notion that a "Bigger p***s is a better p***s" for a man and consequently his female partner and this holds true regardless of race.

    Further speculative data (based on available information) on average p***s size ranges by race are as follows:

    1. Asians (4-6) inches, 68% men over 19 years.

    2. Caucasians (5-7) inches, 68 % men over 19 years.

    3. Blacks (6-8) inches, 68 % men over 19 years.

    This information is inclusive of mixed race yet suggestive that a mixed race individual would be classified according to one of the three given categories based on general 'look' or predominant physical features.

    I'm a black women and l"m going to let you know right now that you have nothing to be worried about. Don't believe the myths that black guys are much bigger because their not. It doesn't matter what color you are that determines the p***s size. It's the individual. I have dated out of my race plenty of times, and the men from the other races including white men were never smaller than the black guys. If anything some of the black guys were even smaller. Don't worry yourself with this. Some women are smart enough to think past things like this that are not important. If you have a good woman she will not look at you for the size you are, she will look at you for YOU. By the way your average so keep doing what your doing, and remember it's not the size, but the way you perform in the bedroom that counts.

    The survey covers 15 countries with the results pulled from sources such as the Journal of Sexology in Japan, the Jacobus Survey in India and the Clinic for Men in Chile.

    The survey turns up some surprises for anyone who thought that all men were created equal.

    p***s Size Around The World


    Flaccid Length (inches)

    Erect Length (inches)

    United States 3.4/5.0

    Germany - na/5.6

    Spain - na/5.3

    France 4.7/6.2

    Japan 3.1/5.1

    Brazil - na/4.8

    Italy 3.9/5.9

    Venezuela 3.7/5.0

    Mexico - na/5.9

    Greece - na/4.8

    India - na/4.0

    Saudi Arabia - na/4.9

    Chile - na/5.5

    Colombia 3.5 5.4

    Korea 2.7 3.7

    Georgia - 17,6 cm

    Tadzhikistan - 16,7 cm

    Armenia - 16,4 cm

    Lithuania -16,3 cm

    Estonia - 16,2 cm

    Latvia - 16,0 cm

    Azerbaijan - 16,0 cm

    Belarus' - 15,9 cm

    Russia - 15,8 cm

    Ukraine - 15,8 cm

    Moldova -15,5 cm

    Kazakhstan - 15,4 cm

    Uzbekistan - 15,2 cm

    Kyrgyzstan - 15,0 cm

    Turkey- 14,6 cm

    Nigeria (Gerofi) 17.0 cm

    US African (Kinsey) 16.6

    Please note that the last ones I put in here in cm I doubt it is right.. to be more accurate take away 1-2 cm from ech of the measurements in cm..***

  8. sadly for me its tru at least we dont hav aids tho

  9. Yes, we does!

  10. Paramedic Girl is true. But MAJORITY of African-Americans does have a bigger p***s. (:

  11. No it isn't true, I heard that because the p**n industry is still very racist towards black people so there are less black people doing p**n. That means that when they pick black people they are able to use only the longest p***s' which causes a stereotype.

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