
I'm not watching the RNC or Palin's speech. Does that make me a bad person?

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What's the point? I already know what she is going to say:

Abortion for nobody.

Guns for everybody.

Drill drill drill.

The Iraq war is going great!

Democrats are evil.

Didn't I just summarize her whole speech?




  1. no that didnt even touch it but thats ok we dont need people like watch us. you might get a hard on just looking at her. you nasty lib  

  2. Yes, you basically got it.

    And "defeat is death".

    Which means war and more war.

    A bimbo.

  3. I watched it, and yes, pretty much. Just a lot of Dem bashing and lies.

  4. You got it and saved your time.

  5. U pretty much summarized it all up..

  6. No, you just don't have insomnia.

    Print it out from one of the online newspapers & you can read it on the occasion that you suffer from insomnia.

    It's definately not habit forming and hopefully you'll enjoy reading it more that I had watching it.

  7. I didn't see it either, itd be a waste of time to see some woman who has no experience with foreign policy and my vote was decided last week for OBAMA!


  8. you for got, the Obama hate rant, then you got it  

  9. actually she doesn't even have an opinion about the iraq war. if she can't manage a small business, a family, can she run a country?

  10. It just proves that you're close minded. She really did kick some ***

  11. pretty much - you didn't miss a thing.

  12. It doesn't make you a bad person at all. To each their own.

    I kind of thought that her speech would consist of those topics as well, but it was much better than I thought it would be. It will be interesting to see her and Biden square off. I think he (Biden) will win the debates, but I also think that she (Palin) will do much better than people think she will.

  13. OMG...yes you did summarize it (I watched)...but you must watch all the debates other wise you may miss some great fireworks......and also you do need to keep informed....

    VOTE....VOTE....VOTE.....Pass the word.....register & vote!!!!!!!!!

  14. Yeah cause Obama's speeches are Epic!

    Here is Obama's speech:


    Didn't I just summarize every single speech Obama has said?

  15. NO.

    Leftist wont be changed.. They just follow Daily KOS talking points.

  16. I just watched her speech and now i feel sick. It was so negative and just flat out brutal towards obama. And i cant even count how many times she mentioned mccain as a POW.

  17. hate speech

  18. No, but you did highlight your ignorance.  Eat, drink, and be merry my friend.  

  19. No, That McPain is a great man and what America needs to run this country.

  20. Actually that's not what it was about at all. I don't think not watching it makes you a bad person, but if you are going to be fair and vote in this election, then you should watch both the RNC and the DNC. If not, how are you making decision? Following who your friend like? Just going off of what one candidate says? Reading/listening to the biased media?

  21. Actually she did not mention abortion or guns she did however mention drilling in the Great State of Alaska and that is what she knows best.  Her speech was brilliant and she talks like a regular person not like a robot who has been programmed to deliver our country right into the hands of terroristst groups and communist countries.  

  22. Well most of it but she also mentioned how she was against the d**n bridge to nowhere, but failed to mention she initially pushed for it.  She showed us her family but failed to mention any details about her daughter's issues while pushing her beliefs upon us.  She talked about how she was a mayor but failed to mention it was a town of less then 9K and that she only got 671 votes to get it.  She mentioned how she was the governor, but failed to mention that she received 114K votes out of 651K population of Alaska.  That means 3/4 of the people didn't vote for her.  Oh by the way her opponent only receive 98K.  None of this was mentioned either.  Pretty much just Conservative lies and their regular spin.

  23. It doesn't make you a bad person, duh. I don't have TV, so I can't watch it either. I'll have a friend DVR it and I'll watch it this weekend. Anyway, you should at least skim the transcript.

    Answer mine?

  24. no, you are a good person.  i know exactly what they are gonna say too. Juliani, huckabee and the rest praising Palin, and McCain. They would say that she is great for the job, way better and more experienced than Obama, even though none of them had even heard of her till last week.  RNC is a long festival of lies, lies, and lies.  It kinda looks like a big mega church mass. They are all white, and mostly evangelical.  

  25. No you're not a bad person, you are just uninformed and proud of your ignorance.  I COULD tell you what was in her speech, but why don't you try using your psycic powers?

  26. Makes you an "educated" Liberal.  

  27. Nope not at all, thanks for playing.

    Obviously, you're voting Obama, you're ignoring everything else.

  28. yes. you are a bad person but you already knew that didn't you?

  29. Not really is like missing wrestle-mania.

  30. Not quite.

    But that was a good summary of the way some political bigots think about half the country.

    That's why those of us, the huge majority, are so tired of political bigotry.

    Democrats for McCain/Palin.

    Sorry, political bigotry isn't my bag.  Neither is socialism.

  31. It doesn't make you a bad person, just someone that is not willing to listen to a side other then your own.  Had you listened to the speech tonight you would have been able to fairly decided for yourself what Sarah Palin is about, it is clear that you have already made your choice.  

    The next time someone has to make a decision about something you have done or are going to do, wouldn't you like to have them listen to both sides and make an informed educated decision instead of sticking their head in the sand and going with the status quo.  

    And no, you didn't summarize her speech, but greatly missed the mark.

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