Ok, it started when I went over to my old best friend's house, and she just got Sims. SO she showed me it, and I became so obsessed. I begged my mom everyday to buy me it, and after a month she gave in. I was so excited when it came in the mail all packaged and new, I popped the disk in and played ALL DURING THE SUMMER. I didn't even eat or go to the bathroom much. I'd make me, my friends, and people I hate and do great/terrible things to them! Few families had natural deaths though....*wink*
Anyways, then at the end of summer, our computer got messed up. We took it in and they said it was overloaded. So my mom took Sims off. I literally was in depression. I sat in my room and cried the rest of the summer, wishing I had my game back. I know, SCARY obsessed. Unhealthy, obsessed. Me and my mom fought about the game, my mom yelling at me for downloading it and being so obsessed. One day she just threw it away. Which lead to MORE depression.
Now, just yesterday, my ex-bff (now just an ok friend..) told me she just got Sims Nightlife, Sims U, Sims Pets, Seasons, and Bon Voyage. I almost died. Then she ASKED ME TO COME OVER TO PLAY IT. I almost passed out. I couldn't believe it. Finally, me and my game would be united! I constantly am asking her when I can come, and she said maybe next Friday. So I'm impatiently waiting.
Please help me cure this obsession! I know, I don't have much of a life. :(