
I'm obsessed with my people like me irritate others that don't keep their lawns nice?

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just wondering what my neighbors are thinking?




  1. nope. it is the other way around. people that don't mow their lawn irritate people with nice lawn.

  2. I live in a nice gated community and there is a very fine line between "keeping your yard nice" and being "obsessed". I greatly appreciate  and keep a manicured/landscaped yard (I'm not quite to "obsessed' yet)...but alot of people work alot at their jobs and are bitter/envious that others (like you & I) have the leisure time AND money to spend in our yard.

  3. Unless you bother them (wake them up with your motors mowing) then the only real reason to dislike you is because you seem to "not have a life."

    For instance, my friend mentioned his neighbor always rides his d**n riding lawnmower every day it seems and that "he must not have a life" yet I see the guy leave his house more than he actually does. lol

  4. I don't think that you irritate others because if they do not care about taking care of their own lawn, why would they care if you do.

  5. Taking care of it is admirable.

    Being obsessive about it is irritating.

    Get a hobby.

  6. Ah, they are probably envoius. I don't think that people who take care of thier yards irritate anyone...but, people who don't take care of their yards can really irritate others.

  7. Nah.  So long as you're not throwing dirty looks at all of the neighbors like me, who don't keep their lawn nice!  Letting whatever chemicals you use drift onto your neighbor's organic wildlife garden or deliberately maintained clover lawn could also cause irritation.  But otherwise, I think it's far more likely to be the other way around!

  8. I remember when i was younger... i had this neighbor, ed, who was obsessive about his lawn. And everytime me and my brothers even so much as put one foot on his grass, he'd come out and growl about it and yell at us to keep off his grass, because stepping on it makes footprints, and footprints dont look nice.. now THAT was irritating.  so then we did it just to annoy him lol...

    If you're like him.. then yes, you are probably irritating. Grass should look nice, clean, cut, and no weeds..  but it's put there to enjoy too!

  9. You are a grass farmer.  I prefer  rock gardens, flower gardens, and shrubs.  If it is your place do what you want as long as you aren't violating any covenants or HOA rules.

  10. Lawns are interesting products of society.  

    You plant lush, green grass, water it like a madman and then cut it every week and never allow it to grow.

    You spend lots of money for pesticides and fertilizer, much which ends up in the general water supply.

    You see a weed growing in the lawn and go ballistic.

    Now me, I don't have a lawn since I live in the desert Southwest where gravel yards are more common.  I don't have grass but instead relish in seeing wildflowers grow.  I don't spend thousands of dollars ever year on grass food, watering and pesticides.  What weeds grow here--and there are plenty--I simply pull out by hand because I don't mind getting my hands dirty.  

    The "Lawn" is nothing more than an extension of one's preferred image.  Like one's house or car or fashion suits, it's designed to make others go "Ooooh!"

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