
I'm obsessed with trains??

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I just recently became obsessed with trains. My grandparent's have a house very close to railroad tracks. Whenever I go to visit them, I always have the impulse to stand or lay on the tracks. I'm considering standing on them as long as possible when I hear the train coming, and then jump away. I've been having dreams about getting hit by a train and watching myself get hit. Should I go through with my plan? Or is it to dangerous.




  1. We name it "play chicken". Don't do that it's very dangerous and many people die each year at playing this game. Never forget that the train is larger than the track itself.

  2. it sounds like you got a game plan on dying.  one day youll stand on them for to long and than your going to be picked up in pieces.  you have to be a train nut with a knowledge of what you are watching.  a train can not stop as fast as a car.  

    all i got to say is if you want your life than i wouldnt do it because all your doing is wishing death on yourself at this moment on what your doing.

  3. Try thinking about the train crew, and not just yourself. I've been very fortunate and haven't had any fatalties involved with my trains. But it's very tough on the trainmen that have. We've had some very good people go home after a fatal accident, and never do come back. Trainmen are people who just want to go to work and earn a living. They don't want to see Americans get hurt.

  4. dangerous, a train moving creates a vacuum, and if it is traveling fast enough, you might not be able to jump far enough, will suck you right under the wheels, stick to putting penny's on the track, and finding them after the trains go through.

  5. Oh don't worry girl, I do it ALLL the time!!

    Just wait like 2 seconds after you see REALLY bright lights and feel a big gust of wind,

    THEN JUMP!!11!!!11!!one!!!

  6. whatever you do don't stand on the track. when you think you have enough time to move, you accually won't and you will get hit. yes it is way too dangerous,and quite stupid.

  7. I think you need some help.

  8. Don't be so ridiculous!

  9. I wouldn't go anywhere near the tracks if I were you. Not unless you want to die a very messy and untimely death.

  10. I hope your not anywhere close to where i work! A while back i almost hit a girl playing chicken.Her and her two friends almost waited too long.She slipped and if her friend wouldn't have had her by the hand to pull her off she would have been dead.I missed her by a foot.When i looked back she was laying on the rock right next to our train going by.It was an incredibly stupid thing to do.At 70 mph they would have needed buckets and shovels to pick up what was left of her.So if you have a death wish please pick another way to do it.Train crews have enough nightmares from the stupid people that get killed in cars by going around the gates at crossings already.

  11. if you just want to watch trains going by, that is cool, many of us do.  STAY OFF THE TRACKS, stand at least 25 feet away from tracks too, or even farther.

    as far as laying down on the rails, WHY?  if this is really a desire, go to a railroad museum, at least then the train equipment is braced to stay still.   never never lay down on an active rail line, youll never know when a train is coming or from which direction or its speed.

    now, i hope that you are not considering a train hit as a way out in suicide.  please, if you are feeling such, talk to your school counselor or your best friend or someone else - PLEASE!  

    even if life looks bad, or probs with parents, or you are in depression, or whatever, it is temporary, and as you get older, you will find that good times come back too, altho' perhaps with help of counseling.    

    i've been there in thatdark depressive suicidal mind, and now, i am glad to say that i stuck around, ive ended up being successful and happy in life once i got out of high school and away from those idiot kids and my idiot parents.

    if in the end, that you really do still do suicide, please just do it by yourself and leave the trains out of it.  too many pedestrian and auto fatalities occur anyway, without you purposely adding to the problem.

    if you purposely commit suicide with the train, you are being selfish thinking only of yourself.  you would have no regard whatsoever for the engineer and his psychological state, the other train crew, the paramedics/firefighters and coronor who would be picking up pieces, or for any of the passengers on that train or any other train on that route, and for the ticket clerks and people waiting at every single station up and down the line for delayed trains.  a trespasser fatality usually will delay trains at least 1-2 hrs while the tracks are closed for cleaning up your body parts.  

    so please, be safe around rails, keep off the tracks, and if you need, get some help.  you will find that someone will care how you feel, and will miss you if you go off this world.

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