
I'm off-beat when dancing, how do I get a sense of rhythm?

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My friends have been teaching me dance moves, I can do them pretty well when I have someone there showing me. But if a song comes on that I don't know then I don't know how to dance with the beat.

Plz help I'm really clueless here, thanks!




  1. Just feel the rithem  and tap along with it it helps if u have heared the song before

  2. i agree with the ppl up there lol

    just try to listen and focuss on the beat of the song and try tapping your finger(s) in the air or something, you can even bounce your head to it lol and when you're dancing, try matching some moves with certain words or phrases

    hope that helpss ^^

  3. i'm a dancer, and i know some really good dancers, but they are absolutley tone deaf.  what they do is they just focus on the beat of the song, then the timing of the moves and try to connect the 2.  if you just focus on music and stufff for a while, you'll get it!! :)

  4. Try counting to the beat of the music. Most songs are in 4/4 time, which means you can simply count "1... 2.... 3... 4..." to the beat. Over time, you will naturally be able to find the beat and know when to start with 1 and end with 4.

    Try tapping along with your hands to any songs you are listening to. Also, if you have patience, try learning a musical instrument. It's a great thing to know how to do anyway.

  5. Turn up the bass and just walk to the beat of the music. Clap your hands to the beat or just stomp you feet. Count the beat. Then start with the dance steps.

  6. start playing an instrument like the drums to help yourself get a sense of music and rhythm.

  7. hah umm go 2 a disco its like the beat becomes ur own heartbeat and u dace along with  it...but no seriously mastering the beat comes with a lot of  exercise if u rnt a natural @ it like dance a lot nd soon ull get it

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