
I'm on a cell phone family plan and I have reason to belive the group 'owner' is tapping into the cell phones.

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How can I tell if she is tapping into the cell phones? If she is, what is my legal rights or how do I find my legal rights on this issue?

She told me when she frist gave me the cell phone, that one member of the family plan was being tapped by a jealous ex-boyfriend and ex-cop and that all the phones in the group MIGHT be tapped. A couple of weeks later, she told me it was all cleared up and the phones are no longer tapped.

That was a year ago and I have reason to believe that my cell phone is still tapped to this day.

I desperately need help with this issue. I'll be getting my own phone within about 2 or 3 weeks - BUT I want to know what I can do about this issues. Do I have a legal case against the 'owner of the family plan'? Should I let a lawyer or someone check the phone for tapping? What professional do I have to see to find out if the cell is infact tapped?





  1. ummmif you are on her family plan i dont think you do you but she dosent really have the right to listen to your convo

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