
I'm on a forced juice diet. How much weight would I lose?

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I drank bad water on a vacation in Central America and I got an intestinal infection and I am supposed to stay away from solid foods.

If I eat a normal breakfast and then the rest of the day just drink juices and water, how much weight would I lose?

I'm drinking a lot of juice and staying about 1000 calories a day I think. I'm pretty active too. I bike for usually an hour or two a day and go on a long walk each evening.

I'll probably only have to stick with the liquids for a week or so.




  1. If you mean concentrated fruit juice then it's bad for you to be drinking a lot of it.

    It is high in sugar, and increases your chance of diabetes and kidney problems.

    Also, with a liquid only diet, you won't have enough energy to do as much exercise as you normally would, you'll be tired out.

    Another thing to note is that when you lower your calorie intake, your metabolism slows down as well. A liquid only diet could mean that you lose little to nothing as your body will store all the available calories it can get.

  2. If you on a fruit juice diet, Be careful because you could get lots of bad stomach aches. Sorry i don't really know how much you will lose but pro barley ALOT try to eat some food or else you will be weak:)

  3. Juices in more than 8 oz aren't that good for you. They contain a TON of sugar! No one can tell how much weight you'd lose because a lot depends on you (your metabolism, how much you currently weigh, how much body fat you have now, etc). I would include yogurt, peanut butter (you NEED protein!), oatmeal, and even try getting some baby food. You need to also have fiber in your diet to keep you regular. Oatmeal is a good source (and it's practically a liquid).

    When traveling, NEVER drink the water! Your body isn't used to it. Granted, I'm sure you learned your lesson.

  4. A liquid diet doesn't have to involve any weight loss.

    Non-solid doesn't mean fruit/veg juice... you can add as much fat or protein as you want.

    Think about McDonalds milkshake - gotta be about 1000 calories per medium drink.

  5. your body might go into starvation mode. Yes you will lose weight but it will eat muscle. OR you will lose water weight or something maybe 3-5 pounds and then it will come baxck again quick when you start eating.  

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