
I'm on an anti-candida diet. Are these two supplements ok to take together?

by Guest66553  |  earlier

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I'm taking B12 because I'm eating no dairy, as well as Acidophilus. Is it okay to take these two together?




  1. Ive done a lot of research in my days. enough to know you dont need to be on some weird diet to cure anything. If your trying to cure yeast in your body just take garlic and acidopholus pills and try to lmit your sugar intake. You dont need to be on some weird life threateing starvation diet. if you have a yeast infection just stick as bul of garlic in your v****a for 12 hours and it will go away.  

  2. It's perfectly safe to take B-12 and Acidophilus together... neither has Candida or sugar in it, so there's no risk of that, although some Acidophilus products are from milk or have a Lactose base, so you should check the label on that.

    Also, one of the answerers had a good point that eliminating one entire food group from your diet isn't good for you long-term. Short term (for cleansing purposes) isn't bad, but it's good to have properly balanced nutrition to optimize health. You can check with a nutritionist, dietitian, or other natural health practitioner to find out the best food regimen for you.

    Also, Acidophilus is very good for fighting Candida, as is Grapefruit Seed and Caprylic Acid (commonly in Coconut Oil). Good luck!

  3. sure.  it's also ok not to take either of them

    True systemic candidiasis is a severe and life threatening infection that may occur in very ill people, or those with immune dysfunction, such as HIV/AIDS

    "Altie Candidiasis" is a pseudo-disease, and therefore all treatments of it are non-treatments.  It is particularly trendy with Naturopaths and almost everyone ever seen by a naturopath gets diagnosed with some sort of food intolerance or candida.  Conveniently, the naturopath usually has a lot of products to sell you to deal with that.

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