
I'm on holiday in Athens Greece, can you tell me where i can find some boat trips?

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I'm on holiday in Athens Greece, can you tell me where i can find some boat trips?





  2. Here are a few ideas from a web site I found.. hope it helps :)

    If you stand on the Acropolis or the roof of your hotel and look towards the sea you will notice an island a few miles off the coast. That is Aegina, a city state in it's own right in ancient times and at times a visible thorn in the side of classical Athens. To get there take the metro  to  Pireaus  and cross the street. Walk to your left past the buildings on the peninsula that juts into the harbor until you come to the boats that look like D-day landing craft painted white. Find the next one to Aegina. They run very frequently. It will take you to the main town on the island, or you can take one of the boats to Agia Marina on the other side of the island. When you get off the boat just take a walk around and get to know the place. there are lots of places to eat and drink and there are beaches at Agia Marina and on both sides of the port. You can also go on to the island of Angistri, the village of Methona on the Peleponisos or the island of Poros, all within day-trip distance of Athens. Go in the morning, have lunch, swim and explore in the afternoon, have dinner and take an evening boat back.

    See for more detailed information.


    Poros, Greece If I as going to live in Greece and had to work in Athens, this is where I would make my home. By the same token, if I was going to visit Athens and wanted to see the sites and do the things one is supposed to do when visiting Athens, but I did not want to stay in the city, I would stay here. Poros is simply beautiful, with pine forests that come right down to the beaches, excellent restaurants, cafe life, and really nice hotels that won't break your budget. The island is about 45 minutes from Pireaus with frequent ferry and Flying Dolphin service so you can easily make connections to other islands or come into Athens for the day. You could leave your hotel and be walking on the Acropolis in less then 90 minutes. There are days in Athens where it takes longer to get there from the Hilton. Poros is also a 3 minute boatride from the Peloponessos.

    If the idea of commuter tourism appeals to you then take a look at

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