
I'm on maternity leave and my employer wont have me back?

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she say's position has been filled.i also travel to work by bus and now she says i need a car to work for her




  1. you will have to check with your State's department of labor

    there are 50 diffferent answers to that question

  2. Not all jobs are subject to the same rules. As previously stated, you need to check with your states department of laobr. However, it might just be easier to go to the unemployment office and apply for benefits. Then, you can learn what happens next.

    For whatever reason, they just don't want you back. If you force them to take you, I bet they find a valid, legal reason to fire you soon after. You are better off if you can find another job.

    From their standpoint, it is unfair to expect them to fire the person who took your place. They can't shut down the business because you decided to have a baby. This is one reason women have had such problems with advancement in the work place.

  3. No Michelle listen to me....Once you went on maternity leave they HAVE to take you back once your released from the DR.  As far as the car is concerned if they didn't  tell you it was mandatory when you were working the job before then they can't insist on it now.  Don't let them run over you just because you went on maternity leave.

  4. If your company has more than 50 people then you are covered by the Family Leave Act and she can not fire you.  If she does,  she is in violation of federal law.

    If your company has less then 50 and you are taking vacation time that is in accordance with your contract,  she can not fire you.

    However,  in many states you have no right to work.  Look up "At will" employment.  If you had no written contract and were hired on a verbal agreement you can be fired in the same manner.   This these laws were written before the Family Leave Act,  they stand.  

  5. They have to give you a comprable job when you return.  But if the new job requires a car, then there is not much you can do about it.

  6. Apparently they needed someone to do the job you were not able to do because you are on maternity leave.  I believe that is legal for them to hire someone that can handle the job now.

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