
I'm on the pill, i missed 2 pills and started my period because i missed them. will I have my reg. period also

by Guest21579  |  earlier

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i'm on the pill and i missed 2 pills in my first week. on 3rd day had unprotected s*x and that night i started my period 2 1/2 weeks early becouse i missed 2 pills. I doubled up on pills like it said to do. So i had my last regular period on the 9th of July messed up and had it again on the 19th due to missed pills. i'm supposed to start regular period on the 5th of Aug. will i have that regular period when i finish my active pills???? if so then i would have 2 periods in 1 month.




  1. When you take the pill, you don't have a "real" period like you do when you are not taking the pill.  Really, the only reason you have one at all is to reassure you that you are not pregnant.  Back in the 1950s, when women started to be prescribed the pill, doctors didn't think they would want to take it if it ended their period totally.  This is why you have the placebo pills towards the end of your pack.

    Because you have missed more than 2 days, you need to start over on a new pill pack to ensure that you will stay protected, AND use protection for the next 2 weeks.

    If in doubt, call your gyno.

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