
I'm on the yearbook committee. I need to come up with some "most likely to..." or "best". Please help!

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I'm on the yearbook committee. I need to come up with some "most likely to..." or "best". Please help!




  1. Hold a write in vote, put each category on the "ballot" and let your classmates decide!  That way you are not being charged with favoritism and your classmates learned a little about voting!

    Wow, either I completely mis-understood your question or ten others did!  Once you have the categories figures out; then have the ballots!!

  2. Most likely to succeed.

    Best Academic Achiever.

    Best Sports Player.

    Hope I helped. Good luck.

  3. best eyes

    best smile

    best laugh

    best sense of humor

    most likely to succeed

    most likely to be famous

  4. In my yearbook we had....most likely to win jeopardy...most likely to become a millionaire....most likely to become president....most likely to brighten your day......most likely to talk your ear off....and I can't remember any more.

      Hope I Helped!!

  5. most likely to be famous

    most likely to be a millionaire

    best athlete

    best friend

  6. BIggest Stoner

  7. most likely to live (in ur city)

    most likely to get straight a's 4 ever

    best smile

    prettiest hair

    best personality

    biggest flirt

    most artistic

    best dressed

    best all around

    most likely to become famous

    most likely to work at mcdonalds

    most talkative

    biggest class clown

    hope this helps


  8. ¨most likely to¨ ... SUCCEED

  9. best eyes, best smile,biggest flirt, highest gpa

    best clothes, most friendly, cutest couple, lookalikes,

  10. best spirit, attitude, friends, suck up, athlete, musician, appettite,dancer,

    most likely to ...trip on stage at graduation, be a millionare,

    be famous, move to another country,


  11. most likely to suceed

    best dressed

    best singer

    best hair

    funniest person

    most artistic

  12. Most likely to succeed

    Most likely to work at...(your fav. store)

    Most likely to work at a fast food resturant.

    Most likely to drop out

    Best hair

    Best clothes

    Best smile

  13. Most likely to succeed

    Best laugh

    Best dressed




    Best couple

  14. Most likely to succeed

    Nicest Eyes

    Best Dressed

    Best Looking

    Cutest couple

    Most creative

    Hope it helps, I'm sure you can think of more!

  15. most  likely to succeed, best hair, class flirt, most sociable.


  17. Well you need to know who you will nominate first like

    best Hair

    best eyes

    Biggest flirt

    best smile

    best sense of humor

    best couple

    best body

    Most likely to succeed

    Most likely to be on last comic standing

    Most likely to be a game show host

    Most talented (can be a theater major or an athlete)

    Most likely to run for office.

    usually you would have two winners, both male AND female.

    you need to know the seniors like who they are what they are known for.  It is usually a spread of the most popular kids.

    of the choice's best NOT to pick

    Most likely to be seen on To Catch a Predator

    Most likely to get pregnant out of wedlock

    Most likely to serve time

    Most likely to be killed by dui

    Most likely to be divorced in 5 years

    Most likely to enter rehab

    Most likely to be the fattest (put on the most weight) at the 5 year reunion

    Best tramp

    Best dillhole

  18. Most likely to make it to Hollywood.

    Best Friends.

    Most likely to change the world.

  19. the ones in my yearbook this year are

    Best Smile

    Most Likely to go Pro

    Most Likely to Get a Lawsuit

    Most Gullible

    Biggest Class Clown

    Most Changed

    The Next Albert Einstein

    Best Friend To Everyone

    Most School Spirit

    Most Hours Slept in Class

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