
I'm on vacation and my wife brought the cat I'm trying to teach it to ride a surf board

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any ideas the cat doesn't like to go in the water but after I'm in the water she wont get on the surf board




  1. first off if the cat doesnt like water and ur forcing her to go thats animal cruelty and im pretty sure ur about to make ur cat drown so u should just stop trying to make ur cat surf and go  do something fun for ur cat

  2. thats mean! and stupid!;...

  3. LMAO!  When you teach yours how to do it, can you teach mine?  I've got seven.  Have you tried telling the cat that the fish live in the water and she can see them from the board

  4. Are you serious? I would get another cat that likes water and let Fluffy lounge on the beach....

  5. If this is a serious question, you are a nut case.  If its not serious, you are a nut case. Either way.. NOT FUNNY!

  6. You should probably have started in a smaller body of water, like a backyard pool, or a toilet perhaps.

  7. I am doubting that this question is even serious because it is such a ridiculous thing to even consider. True, some cats like water and obviously your's is not one of them! Stop it!

  8. Skip the surfing and take him/her to the tuna buffet instead.

  9. Some cats do like water, if you get them use to it.  

  10. its a cat sir...not a dog...teach fido to do that....not the cat...cats hate water dont do that sir its just plain stupid

  11. Uhhh... why are you doing this? It's cruel to the cat.

  12. wtf?

    did you like..fall out of a tree house, or something?

  13. Don't do that! A dog on a surf board is okay. . .but not a cat!

  14. bad idea

  15. duck tape its feet into the board bro, but animal cruelty charges are on you.


  16. if your cat doesnt like water...then dont put it in the water.

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