
I'm only 14 but i want a baby soo bad! but i know i should wait..what should i do? advice!?

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i really wanted a baby to the point where i just wanted to adopt one! I need some advice! I never had s*x and i don't really plan too. I just want to take care of a baby! I love babies. Can i have some advice please? I love to play babysitting games online but i prayed to god even that i find an abandoned baby. but that just seems so mean. it didn't seem so mean until now. haha! I really want a baby please advice! Thanks! oh by the way i'm a girl haha just thought i'd state that! ok thanks advice! bye.




  1. Get a job as a babysitter that would be better it takes up a lot of time and money when you get pregnant plus there could be other things that could be bad for you stop thinking that.

  2. That's wonderful!

    It's great you love kids!

    But at this time in your life, it's not a smart descion to have one.

    Finacially, Spritually, and It can damage your health.

    You can babysit.

  3. Well, if you want a baby I'm sure there's plenty of underage Romeo's out there (or, if you prefer, older Romeo's who do things of dubious legality) there to help you out.

    Maybe you can auction yourself on Ebay and make some money at the same time?

  4. WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT!... You can buy a fake baby doll that cries and pees.  Take care of that , bottle feed it and everything!  That game is nothing like real life so, don't do it and get a fake baby!

  5. It's pretty normal- I like kids too and I'm young too. Maybe you can help by volunteering at a day-care center or if you have a church or an organization or anything help out with kids. There are lots of ways to get involved with kids without having one yourself. Hope I helped

  6. I think you need to find a hobby!

    P.S. Boys are NOT a hobby!!!

  7. You should try baby sitting for a neighbour or family baby, but your are way to young to have a baby now. It's a huge responsibility.

  8. i now i feel the same way and i'm ony ten!!!!!!!i saw my friends baby and i feel in love!!! so yeah it's a females nature that's why i feel bad for people who can't have kids! anyway i would wait till i

    m older or either try to adopt one but with all the prises in gas and other stuff i would wait till i could have one on my own if i was you!

  9. Hi am your age too and i love kids! but you really don't want a baby right now because of school work and it would be really differcult for you to manage just wait a bit longer..maybe ask around to do babysitting for some people and that it will be better in the long run

    good luck x !  

  10. try working at a daycare center.

  11. playing video games online is much different than taking care of a REAL BABY.

    wait till your old enough to actually make this decision.

  12. I can relate to you since I was 14 last year and I encountered the same feelings. We all know how cute and adorable little babies are, but what we aren't aware of is the fact that parenting is much harder than we think it is.

    And don't worry - this desire is not abnormal. If want to fulfill your desire, I would suggest you adopt a kitten or a puppy instead. They're easier to handle and keeping one teaches you how to be responsible.


  13. well i think its great that your not like "i wanna have s*x & have a baby!" your being smart about things [:

    get more babysitting jobs.  

  14. You should wait cuz if you don't have a job then you can't provide for the baby as well as you can if you had a job. the baby wouldn't have a very good life if you did it now.

  15. baby's are wonderful

    but at this time in your life you should be going to school and having a good time

    without the worries of how your baby is.

    so i suggest if you love kids that much take babysitting job you get to hang out with then Plus get payed.

  16. When you are grown up, you will have lovely babies.

    But part of growing up is realizing that wanting something does not mean you have to have it now.

    A baby is not an iPod.  It is going to be a person with its own personality.

    It needs to be taken care of - 24/7, for the next 12 years.  After that you may get a breather every now and then.

    I do believe that you want one.  But wanting a baby is not the same as being ready for it.

  17. Try babysitting or volunteer at a child care workplace.

  18. Please don't have a baby yet.

    If you really want to look after a baby ask a member of your family that has a baby (thats not to young) if you can help look after there baby with them or babysit for them.

    Hope this helps and Good luck!! =)

  19. If you want to take care of babies, you should hire yourself out as a babysitter.  This way you get to be with the babies, but you can go home again at the end - which you'll appreciate, believe me!

  20. babysit for reals!!!

    here in my town, everyyear they have a class where you can get you're liscence in babysitting.

    But you can put ad's out in papers

    saying you're willing to babysit baby's and take verrrry good care of them.

    i'm sure you'll enjoy this very much.

    goodluck :)

  21. You could always babysit. That could help you out some.

  22. Sign up for the reality t.v. show "the Baby Borrowers' Then once your experience is over enjoy being a teenager! You have plenty of time to be a parent! Once the child comes there is no more freedom to go swimming any time you want. Forget watching t.v. or talking on the phone because you will not have time. You will lose touch with your will have to get a job!

  23. You need to grow up before you bring another life into

    this world.

    Go play a video game!

  24. hmmm..... Ok Well first talk your parents into buying you a empathy belly and then wear it for 9 months

    then have them buy you one of those baby dolls that dont shut up and are like a real baby and by then I think you will think of somethig else

  25. get a dog if you want unconditional love.

  26. do yourself a favour. Don't do anything stupid to get a baby. This is high time for you to make your career brighter.

    Get yourself a cute pup. Maybe a dashhound or greyhound.

    It will grow in front of you and you can give all your motherly love to it.

    Dogs are great friends and emotional supports.

  27. I was 16 when I had my first child and 18 with my second. Babies are great! BUT you are only 14 and trust me you have a lot to look forwards to. A baby comes with GREAT responsability. Once you become a parent it is all about the child and what they want and need. You have a whole life ahead of you, School, dances, prom, dating, and so much more. I had to drop out of school! Babies are expensive, where will you get a job to take care of it? There are diapers, formula, clothing, wellness checks, shots, what if it gets really sick and has to got to the hospital? None of this is cheap. And you can't expect your parents to pay for all of that. Are you willing to get up every 2 hours to feed it and change it? Boys don't really want to date girls with babies, and the ones that do will think that you are cheap and only will go out with you because they think you are easy. They will not respect you at all.And while your friends are out at the movies , parties, dances, class trips, or just hanging out, you will be at home alone with a baby. So please rethink this because take it from some one that has been there waiting is not at all a bad thing. Once you get out of school, go to college and get a good job so you CAN take care of it YOUR SELF, Then by all means have a baby or adopt. You will be so happy you did. I know this is not what you want to hear but it wouldnt be fair to you or a little baby that has no choice in the matter, that you may end up resenting later. So please think it over.

  28. Ever thought of being a big sister?

    join your local big brother big sisters and spend some time with kids ... maybe not babies, but kids nonetheless

    you could work at a gymboree or just put out flyers for a sitter service for babies

    Good luck dear and I hope you get it out of your system!  

  29. It's normal for you to feel that way due to hormones. People used to have babies much earlier in their lives than they do now.

    You know that it's sensible to wait until you're older and financially independent and stable. You can babysit in the meantime.

  30. It's normal for you to have times in your life where you'll feel maternal and 'want a baby'. It's all part of God's plan and hormones! You're too young at the moment to be thinking about adopting a baby or having one of your own as you know already by saying "I'm only 14". How about setting up your own babysitting business or looking after young family members. Aged 14 you're beginning to have more options in the working world and would be much more respected as a babysitter than say, a 12 year old.

    In the meantime - learn as much as you can about babies, children and childcare. The more you know, when your time comes to start a family - you should know all the ins and outs! Its never too early to start being knowledgeable. Good luck chick!

  31. volunteer!!  :-) Hospitals many times need volunteers in the nursery to help feed and hold small babies. It would be a good opportunity to see all different babies and interact with them. You're smart though to realise you are too young to care for a child. And I'm not saying you're too young to babysit, but you're too young to have a child. I'm sure you don't have a car to drive it to docs appt's in, or a job to buy it food. Babies don't just need love, they need things. And they need medical care. I'm sure you don't have health insurance...and your parents won't cover it. I'm not trying to put you down but you have to understand the whole picture. Also, why not try babysitting more and babysit all different ages because you know, babies do grow up...what would you tell your daughter that wanted a baby at 14?

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