
I'm only 16, but could I still book in for a smear test?

by  |  earlier

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I've had cancer once, when I was 10 I had Hodgkins Disease, and recently I've been bleeding in between my periods. I'm on the pill right now, and when I told my mum I was concerned, she said I will just be taking my pill at different times each day. She could be right but yeserday I was listening to the radio and they were talking about symptoms and it scared me quite a bit. I think I'd just like to put my mind at rest. Can I still get one if I'm only 16?




  1. women who are under 20, and are sexually active, should have smear tests. While teenagers may be exposed to sexually transmitted infections, severe cervical abnormalities and cancer are extremely rare in women under the age of 20. In addition, the cervical cells of teenage girls may still be developing, and this can make it difficult to tell if cell changes are a natural part of the growth process or are pre-cancerous. Some GPs and clinics will not offer smear tests to women under 20, but others may. If you are under 20 and are concerned about your sexual health, talk to your doctor or nurse practitioner. If you don’t want to tell your GP that you’re sexually active, contact a well-woman, family planning or sexual health clinic

    The Department of Health recommends that women between the ages of 20 and 64 have routine cervical smears every three to five years as part of the NHS Screening Programme. Women in this age group who are registered with a GP should be sent a letter and information leaflet when it is time to have their smear test. Some women also keep their own personal records of test dates and results so they know when they’re due for screening even if they don’t receive a reminder.

  2. yeah you certainly can, they say 18 or sexually active as the latest, you can certainly get it done sooner if you want to

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