
I'm only 16 and I'm super scared?

by  |  earlier

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ok for the past 2 days i've woke up to the feeling of throwing up, and i have thrown up both days.

i'm on birth control but for the past week i haven't taken it.(because it was not with me)

but i toke the all the days i missed at the same time,

normal my boyfriend and i are good about the hole be active.

would it be possible that i could of gotten pregnant within that week?




  1. Yes. Go get a pregnancy test.

    Good luck.

  2. You could be pregnant. If you are then I guess you've learned the lesson that you should always use protection if you don't want to get pregnant. Make your b/f wear a condom if you don't have your pills to hand, and if he refuses, don't have s*x with him.

  3. yes, of course you could've. you have to be diligent with birth control- this is how many many women get pregnant unintentionally. take an early response home pregnancy test. if its positive, see a doctor, and if its negative take it again in a week. its too early to neccessarily be correct

  4. you need to take a test and find out asap

  5. Yes.  I would see a take a test and then see a doctor about it.  

    Good Luck

  6. yes take a test

  7. if your really worried. you could be imagining all of the symptoms. i cant remember what its called. take a test though x

  8. You most likely threw up because you took all those pills at once. You're not supposed to do that. Only take one and then continue taking them on your daily basis.

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