
I'm only 18 but I get back/waist muscle pains... what are some exercises that can fix these?

by Guest66904  |  earlier

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I think the problem is in my lifestyle... but I don't know what it is... I get pains and uncomfortable tension in my back/waist muscles... I have nobody who can massage me... is there a way to treat and prevent back/waist pains by myself?





  1. Here are some sites that can help you

  2. It could also be anxiety. I used to complain about really bad back pain to the point it didn't let me sleep and I even thought I could have some sort of renal disease. Then the doctor told me to just think about something else and I went back to practicing sports (I stopped because I thought it caused me pain) and. it worked. See if you can stop thinking about it. Plus exercise and sports are always good for your muscles.

  3. One thing that helps me with back pain is to stretch out my back.  The best way to do this is to use an inversion table.  It's a flat table on a pivot that locks your feet in and you can tilt backwards and gravity kind of pulls your body apart.  I can't go fully vertical, but it helps relieve tension in my back.  However I do not usually have access to one of these, and neither do most people, so another way is to lift your body up with your arms.  Either use a counter to push up on and lift your feet off the floor, or something overhead to lift your body off the floor.  You can then relax your torso muscles and the weight of your body can pull gently which can also relieve tension.  It doesn't work all the time but at least you get some exercise lifting your body!

  4. You may have muscle strain or herniated discs.  Try taking a hot bath or shower to relax the area and maybe rubbing an ointment such as Bengay in gently and covering with a towel.  You can lie on a heating pad set on low heat and bend your knees to take the pressure off of it.  You probably could use a chiropractor for weekly adjustments to keep the chi flowing freely.  Also stress can play a big role in muscle pain and strained areas of the body.  After your hot shower and applying heat to the area try taking a few deep, cleansing breaths....breathe in the fresh clean air and s-l-o-w-l-y- breathe out the dark stressful air.  Do this several times a day to try to let the stress out.  But see your doctor anyway for an accurate diagnosis and follow through with the prescribed treatment.  Best wishes.

  5. I have muscle pains and i am 13. :(

    My mum happened to  be a physician and she told me to lie flat on the bed and lift up your right hand and leg. Wait for five seconds and change to the other side.

    It works and it is good for backbones too. :]

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