
I'm only 24 but already i think i'm having a "mid-life" crisis.?

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I keep on thinking what i have and haven't achieved, what i could of done,oppotunies i've let slip by,mistakes i've made. How i can't make the most of my time now coz of my finanical situation.

Also i'm starting 2 realise that life is stupidly short and shouldn't be wasted.

Please tell me this is normal for someone my age to be going through this?




  1. Try living in today world, rather than looking back at mistakes, missed opportunity's or planning too far ahead into the future, we only really live in today so make sure you try your best to be happy in each individual day, you may have only one to go or more likely about 30,000 of em!

  2. I have a younger sister who feels the same way you do.  She was diagnosed with GAD (General Anxiety Disorder).  You may want to research this and take apprioprate steps if need be.

  3. Just have a drink or five, and look to the future. If you dwell in the past old chap, you'll achieve nothing. It's gone, nothing can be done about it, move onwards and upwards.


  4. Hey, don't worry about it!

    I basically went through my mid-life crisis this year and I'm only 18, I know, how weird is that?

    Don't let the fact that life is short or about the mistakes or opportunities you've let go by, we all let them go from time to time, only few of us make it to the olympics. You have to be grateful for what you've got and make that love last. First of all, it's not wrong or weird to have gone through this at 24, like I said, I went through it at 18.

    Just remember that life is good, and don't ever let that get away from you.

    In my opinion life is long, but why is it long for me? Because I enjoy the totality of every day. The days last longer for me because I soak everything in, I look back at the last 18 years and say "Man that took forever" and put a huge smile on and keep moving, The reason that life is short is because it can end at any second, that's the part that has me anxious at the moment. Other than that, a full fledged 1-90 year life (If healthy) can be a long life :D at least for me it is. I can't wait to get into my 50's

  5. I'm 17 and I worry about the same things you do! Well, maybe not the financial bit because I obviously still live at home with my parents being 17. But yeah I think it is normal for you to be thinking that stuff! If you start thinking about the meaning of life you're better off downing a bottle of whisky.

  6. Could I recommend the book, "The Purpose-Driven Life" to you? It's aimed at Christians, and I don't know if you're one, but it's been on the NY Times best-sellers list for 174 weeks now, so it's definitely worth your while to check out even if you're not. It helped me answer just about all of those questions in my life. :) It has amazing advice for getting over those situations.

    And yes, this is normal. I'm glad you're realizing life is short -- use your desire for 'something more' to turn around your life and make changes in this world!

  7. Yes it is fairly common.

    It's at about you're age you start to realise that a lot of your dreams and ambitions you had as a child probably aren't going to happen. Don't worry though, as you get older apathy will set in and things won't seem quite as bad.

    Blimey, this is a bit of a depressing question. Have a look at the Jokes section, that should cheer you up a bit.

  8. youve definately got a crisis of confidence and it aint normal at your age to feel so down

    family or friend to talk things through is what you need/to get things back into perspective

  9. It's normal. I think every now and then we stop and analise our lives and beat our selves up if we are not living up to our plans. Each day is a new opportunity to change things.

  10. Yes, I went through exactly the same thing at about 23 - you feel like your life should be going a certain way and it isn't and you feel like you're too old and stuck in a rut to change things - it is completely normal to feel like this at any age.

    There is no point looking back on what you've done and wishing you could change things - you can't.  The important thing is that you're still young enough to start again and live your dreams.  I went back to uni at 24, even though it nearly bankrupted me!  Make a list of all the things you want to do with your life and what's important to you - and make sure you really think about what's important now, not what was important when you were 18.  You may never be a pop star / astronaut, but you are certainly young enough to be almost anything you want to be.  Once you've made the list, think about what you can realistically achieve and how you're going to do it.

    In  a way, you're lucky to have realised so young that life is short, now you can try and make every day of the rest of your life count.

  11. Poor you! Your life will be pretty short if you are having you mid-life crisis already.

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