
I'm only second best in a musical and i don't think i deserve it?

by  |  earlier

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im bet in the musical oliver and another girl in my year is nancyi don't she deserves she has a really forced voice and it sounds terrible does that mean my voice it worse than hers or do the directors judge auditions on more aspects than the voice the acting and the dancing and also enthusiasm because i had all that why did they choose this other girl its not fair I NEED ADVICE!!!




  1. thats called, 'Life'

  2. Well, we can't really know what this girl was judged on because we weren't at the audition. But remember, there are no small parts, only small actors. Don't be a small actor! Show the directors that you can handle a role like this by being the absolute best you can be. Also, show them that you can be a team player, not only by holding up your end, but by supporting the rest of the cast. If they see these things in you, they might consider you for a bigger part in the next show. Never underestimate what you can learn from a role. Even if it is ensemble, supporting, understudy or lead.

  3. They prefer her for some reason. Just be happy that it wasent for loads of money and just for a school play.

  4. yeah sometimes they play favorites like with this girl it's unfair and it's politcial . i know this because i recently auditioned for mrs.lovett from sweeney todd  and i had a much better voice then the girl who go it like in your situation  her voice was strained ,too high, and not correct for the part  where my voice fit the role. so i know what your going through. i would ask the directors why you didn't get it . in my situation i asked and it was some bull about her being a year older than i

  5. I want to assume, and with no offense at all, that your ego has been bruised. In a mature sense, the object isn't WHO is FIRST, it's the entire TEAM, that creates a successful endeavor.

      FAIR is subjective and relative, and might be a learning experience you can investigate. I assume you are young, no offense again, and hurt, and perhaps you might even ASK the casting director, or committee, why SHE was chosen over you, no whining please.

       For one thing, it was very likely NOT a PERSONAL attack aimed at you. Casting has very little to do with "emotions". What it's object is however, is the Total, overall success, viability, and possible profit for a production.

       Logically, I suggest you accept that you were even cast, and eventually as you mature, through many efforts in theater, gain some levels of Tolerance, Acceptance, and even some minor compromises that are not degrading. Casting is not a popularity contest. It is specific to what is needed, and expected from a performer in any particular role. The casting director may have seen HER as acceptable, while not at all denying your abilities.

       Your challenge now is to "Blow it off" get on with the show, non confrontation-ally, and HELP create a cohesive performance crew/cast. I so want to assume this is not a make it or break it experience for you.

    Just my 2 "scents"

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