
I'm pale skined and can't tolarate heat over what temperature do you become uncomfortable?

by  |  earlier

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It's 28 where I am in my garden....aghhh.

I have a fan on me :)




  1. 35 Degrees Celsius!! HOT!!

  2. Use sunblock and wear a towel over your face and neck too

  3. here is some tips for you to stay healthy in high temperature..

       1. Stay Hydrated

              * Drink plenty of water 24 hours before you exercise.

              * While exercising, drink 6 to 12 ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes.

              * If you exercise for more than an hour, you should probably drink a sports drink. Sports drinks provide carbohydrates and other supplements not found in water.

       2. Know your Sweat Rate

              * To exercise optimally, you need to replace the fluids your body looses. Your personal sweat rate will help you determine how much you need to drink and how often while you are exercising.

       3. Exercise during the coolest part of the day

              * If possible, exercise during the morning or evening when heat and humidity are lower.

       4. Wear light, comfortable clothing

              * Light clothing made from wicking material will help keep you cool while 'wicking' moisture away from your skin.

       5. Use Sunscreen

              * If you exercise in the sun, make sure to wear sunscreen.

              * Sunscreens that are labeled as 'water resistant' need to be reapplied every 40 minutes.

              * Sunscreens that are labeled as 'very water resistant' need to be reapplied every 80 minutes.

       6. Know the symptoms of heat exhaustion

              * The most common symptoms of heat exhaustion are: heavy sweating, cold or clammy skin, dizziness, fainting, feeling faint, a weak pulse, muscle cramps, vomiting, nausea.

              * If you believe you are experiencing heat exhaustion, douse yourself in cold water and seek immediate medical attention.

       7. Exercise indoors.

              * When the heat index is higher than 90, it is best to workout in a place that provides air conditioning.

    anyway about my self.. i feel comfortable in a range of 20-28 degrees..

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