
I'm parked up outside work...?

by  |  earlier

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however some one has parked right up to my back bumper... and someone else has reversed right up to my front bumper. I have checked with neighbouring businesses but cannot track down the owners..

what LEGALLY should I do when I finish work in 20 minutes?!




  1. phone your local police station, it's one of those jobs that Police Community Support Officers were created for

  2. call police or atowing office.

  3. If they are over their lines you can call the cops and they will help you. If they are within their lines then there really isn't anything you can do other than find out whos car it is.

  4. Theres nothing you can do that im aware of. I heard of some police guys helping to push a car slightly when it was blocking somewhere in but out here in the sticks no one really bothers about abiding the law and that

  5. call the police and your insurance company

  6. You can call the police or 911 and they can help you.

  7. call on superman he'll soon have you out of there

  8. Mentos

  9. Legally, you can call a the police and have the vehicles moved, depending on local laws this may result in a fine for any of the parties involved, including yourself.  This may also take hours, during which either or both owners may show up to claim their vehicles.  If the owners are not patronizing the businesses for which the parking is provided, they can be towed at owner expense.  You may also be able to call a towing company directly, depending on local laws and posted warnings.  With a little luck, they'll be gone when you're ready to leave.  Good luck!

  10. Dial the non-emergency number for the local police department and ask to be connected to parking enforcment.  They should be able to help.

  11. call the police

  12. call 911 have them moved.

  13. First off, I'm jealous that you get off in 20 mins... I have like 5 hours left.

    Two, legally, the thing to do would be to get security (if available) and have it towed. If security isn't available, get your supervisor and seek his/her counsel. If you're blocked in, more than likely, one of the two cars'll get towed...

  14. tell your manager.  they will generally take care of it.

  15. Beep your horn in short bursts for about 5 minutes. That will usually get the attention of someone if they are still in the area. You can also look into the other car windows to see if there is anything with a name or phone number on it and try to get ahold of the person.

  16. police report.. stay in the building incase someone is trying to harm u

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