
****I'm participating in a county pageant and one of the pop questions is...?

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How is agriculture important to your community?

Any suggestions?




  1. Without farming there are no cities. You see when we began to farm that allowed us to settle in one place. When there was no farming we were roaming around trying to find food. Also farming allowed specialization where each person can do a different job. When there was no farming everyone had to worry about food, the only thing on your mind was food so there were no different jobs. When farming came around one person could take care of the food while someone else for example could weave blankets and someone else could make pottery. So that is why without farming there are no cities.

  2. Everyone goes with the "jobs" and "family tradition" theme.  I've never heard anyone do a speech on how without farmers, the whole of society collapses.

    Yes, I'd go with a "because famine is bad" theme, it'll stand out in the judges minds.

  3. "agriculture is important to my community because we can grow stuff in the ground. And then when it comes time for that stuff to come out of the ground we use big machines to do it, he he oops i said 'do it'. but really them machines are hot the way they just bring stuff outta the ground, thank you"

    please fel free to use this speech it won me a pagaent or two in my time

    just giv'er

  4. It's crucial to our survival, gives us our unique regional cuisine, is one of the last jobs that reinforce rather than undermines the family, and teaches good work habits because you have to get up at dawn to milk the pigs.

  5. Through agriculture, we produce the food we eat. We also produce flowers and other decorative plants that we use to decolate our homes. Agriculutre is a major social economic engine and human beings can not attain any meaningful social economic development without use of agriculture as a means of production.

  6. well, is it? It depends on your community. If it's a big farming community, then tell about how it affects the food supply. If it's more on the animal side then talk about animals and how terrific they are.

    BTY... how is it a pop question if you know what it is?

  7. It provides us with some of the food that we need to live. It helps us keep the earth clean and healthy for us to live in.

  8. Well that depends on where you live. Agriculture is vitally important if our society wants to eat. If you live on a farm, then that would most likely be your main source of income. If you grow corn, it could be used to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

  9. Agriculture provides money for farmers so they can buy more machines to grow crops with. The people that make the machines get a cut of the pay. The people that run the factories get a cut of the pay and on. All the way up the line agriculture helps out our economy by spreading the money around allowing us to live a good life. '

    Also the stores generate money for our economy by selling the food.

  10. Maybe you could ask some of the farmers and producers in you area if you don't know yourself.

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