
I'm permanent resident of the U.S.and citizen of the Albania.Do I need a visa when I'm going to Mexico

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I have called the Mexican consulate in detroit but no one answered. I am concerned. Please advise. Thanks




  1. You will need an official ID as an US citizen.

    Do not worry for the visa to enter Mexico. They will give it to you before entering Mexico.  It is call FMT (forma migratoria de turista)  in other words: a tourist visa.


  2. Probly not to go but to get back in us you will.

  3. I would suggest taking your visa just in case. My mom was born and raised in Germany and is now a U.S. citizen. Last year we  went to Mexico for a vacation. They gave my mom such a hard time because of her accent. They didn't believe she was a U.S. citizen. She had to show her citizenship, visa and other paper work.

  4. "Tonalc" is absolutely right...go and have a great time...just be sure you have a photo I.D. and your permanent resident card.

  5. No, just your permanent resident card and valid passport.

    "All legal permanent residents of the United States, regardless of their nationality, if in possession of a so-called green card (now they are pink), do not have to go through the process of applying to Mexico City for their entry permit nor do they need the stamp on their passports. They can be issued the tourist  card on board the aircraft or at the port of entry to be able to travel to Mexico as tourists, in transit, or for short business trips.

    You must carry your green (pink) card with you. "

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