
I'm placing an advert looking for a room in Berlin Germany. Can I legally state that I would prefer to live...

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with native German speakers?

I'm going there to learn German, so living with native German speakers would be ideal to help me progress with the language. Am I discriminating? If so, is my discrimination legal?




  1. You can say whatever you like, nobody can prosecute you for learning German and saying so.

    That said: there's also a webside called:, where people place there ads (looking for a new roommate/looking for a new room; both ways), which we have worked with a lot looking for new roommates (ok, that was not in Berlin, though! But there are ads in there for Berlin! A lot!). When we put out a room to rent, we also always looked who was searching one. Helped find, ans also avoid, some people. I'm sure you wont run into problems if you place an add there in English, in case you don't trust your German that far yet/don't speak German at all yet.

    And Berlin is multicultural and multi-German nowadays. True, you might here German dialect - it doesn't follow that its Berlin dialect! ;))

    Have fun in Germany!

  2. I think that is fine.  If you are learning with the Goethe Institut, they would place you in a homestay if you like, and it is generally less expensive than a room would be.  If you are taking lessons through them (and I highly recommend it).

    By the way, Berlin is a fabulous place to go to learn German!

  3. I guess, you can even so no c.............., but yes to pets.

  4. In the moment it is not forbidden to speak German in Germany. But Berlin is not the ideal place to learn German. They speak dialect. Due to a study of the Italian Ministery of foreign affairs the best German is spoken around Hannover.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


  5. That shouldn't be a problem.

  6. You can state in your ad anything you like. Anti-discrimination laws do exist here, but they're only valid for employers. So if you're looking for a flat, you can place anything you want. Looking for a black g*y-L*****n community? No problem, just write it, as long as you don't get insulting.

    btw, when I was in Berlin, I found most of the rooms and flats I lived in by placing an advert here:

    It's all in German, so click through it, but search ads are free.

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