
I'm planning an under 5s Sunday School lesson on Joy (Fruit of the Spirit), looking for craft/activity ideas.

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I'm planning an under 5s Sunday School lesson on Joy (Fruit of the Spirit), looking for craft/activity ideas.




  1. Joy's symbol is an angel, so maybe make or draw angels or get the children to colour in pictures of angels? Fruit symbol is the orange so could make a collage of orange things or bring in oranges for snacks? This website may be helpful

    hope this helps :) good luck!

  2. Crafts are fun talk to the children about fruit and how it is specially made by God.  You can do apple prints if you cut an apple in half accross the middle it looks like a star.  Have a friendship salad - ask each child to bring in a fruit to add and sharing brings joy.

  3. Play jump for joy, call out words and when the children think the word, makes them feel joyful, they jump. Good starting activity, befroe they talk about the things that make them feel joyful, as this is a word many under fives may be unfamiliar with, so you will want to define it for them in a meaningful way.

    You could then ask them to draw pictures of a moment they felt joy, for example on their birthday, at a wedding, the birth of a sibling,a holiday, etc:

  4. I would try something along the lines of a birthday party or sparklers... that's what little kids think about when they say Joy or Happiness.  You will really need to connect the two words for them during the course of the lesson.  Why not try music makers, tubes with sparkly stars coming out of the top, or something else where they link the word with the emotion.

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