
I'm planning on moving to spain to study and im not sure how to go about it.?

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I'm 19 and I'm just tired of my life here. It is very bland and being hispanic i feel that moving to spain will be exciting. now i know it isn't easy but i am determined. I am currently not in college and i wanted to know if i was able to move there while acquiring a non student visa and go to a university there.




  1. The requirements to get into the university in Spain are very specific and are common to all univesities or colleges.  

    You will need you have a certificate (translated and legalized) stating that you finished high school AND a test of entry into the university level education, called Examen de Selectividad.  

    So, to answer your question, sneaking in the country and then trying to go to the university is probably not going to work...  You need to do a lot more plannig ahead.

    Here is a link to the admissions office of the University of Zaragoza: ,

    their email is at the bottom of the page, maybe you can send a message stating your situation so they can give you more details.

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