
I'm planning on traveling into Mexico with my husband and son.Is it safe for us?Not drugs,but other crime?

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we will be going into chihuauhua.




  1. wear a bullet proof vest, running shoes, and enough cash to bribe polica and u will be fine

  2. I'm not going back!

  3. I live in San Diego and I know people are getting killed in Tijuana, Rosarito and Ensenada like CRAZY! I honestly can't say about Chihuahua but I suggest you do a TON of research to make sure it is safe. Good Luck!

  4. It´s safe, especially for foreigner.

  5. if your going to a resort, youll be fine. i went this march break and came back in one piece. also, there is a very good chance pne of you will get travellers diarrhea, so be ready

  6. Chihuahua, particularly Ciudad Juarez, is one of the most dangerous spots in Mexico right now in terms of the drug violence.  While it doesn't specifically target tourists, there is always the possibility of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I cross the border (both into Baja and Sonora) every few weeks without incident.  The odds of getting shot or kidnapped for white Americans are fairly slim.

    Other types of crime are more common.  Car theft (the vehicle itself or parts of it) and car-jackings are very frequent.  If you drive down, be sure to find a place to park your car where it will be safe.  Don't drive an SUV, truck or other high-end vehicle. A car alarm and even a steering wheel lock are good deterrents, though not guaranteed.  Theft from hotel rooms also happens, so don't leave any valuables in your room.  Purse-snatchings and such aren't all that common, but you may want to invest in one of those money holders to wear around your waist.

    Another common complaint is extortion by local police. You won't find this from federal police or the military, but in some areas, the local cops will target tourists, pull them over and give you a choice of going to the station or paying a fine on the spot.  Always elect to go to the station.  Chances are that they'll let you go before taking you there.

    All that said, I've never (thank God) suffered any criminal incident in Mexico, except for having my cell phone stolen in Mexico City after I forgot to take it out of my rental car when I turned it in.  (Twenty minutes later it was turned off and the guys at the car lot said they hadn't found a thing in the car.)

    Be cautious, use common sense, and stick to tourist locations, and you should be fine.  I've never been to Chihuahua, but Mexico in general (even the border areas) is wonderful.  Have fun!

  7. Most areas in Mexico are safe, especially tourist areas. The biggest problem tends to be petty theft but if you are on a resort than even that is not likely to be a problem but do your self a favour and leave all your major bling at home.

  8. It's safe, what you see on TV is a war between drug lords and the government.  Just don't be inocent enough to go into a bad area.  I travel to Guadalajara at least once a year and I have not seen one single shooting in 12 years.

  9. Not anymore dangerous than in the US. Just stay by the hotels & don't go off alone.

  10. the only thing i can say is that you will be as safe as you behave, I am under the impression that is a family trip so you will be visiting family places, Mexico is as safe or dangerous as any other place, if you act like a obnoticus tourist you will get rip off, respect and knowing were you are going is the best advice i can give to you

  11. Give best answer to Yo Mira


  13. I have been to Mexico many times and never an illness. Crime in large cities is a problem in almost all large cities.  The people are great. Border cities are not Mexico as such and despite what so will tell you about water at the resorts most have modern purification systems.

  14. Don't go!!  There are other places to visit that are safer and more attractive for a family trip.  How much fun can it be when you're always looking over your shoulder or waiting for something to happen to you?

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