
I'm planning to try out for grease, I need a good female (1 min) monologue

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By the way, I have to sing for the audition I know I don't have the best voice but I'm going to do it anyway!

*I know its kinda off pitch, but working on it!* thanks for the feedback!




  1. Try Grease lyrics, Grese soundtracks ; Grease soundtracks lyrics ; Grease musical ; Grease lyrics 2 .

    I suggest why don't you try something new as a frmale monologue :

    Ismenia's chamber.


    Brigida lingers. O he has denied me

    And therefore she is loth to come, for she

    Knows she will bring me death. It is not so.

    He has detained her to return an answer.

    Yet I asked none. I am full of fear, O heart,

    I have staked thee upon a desperate cast,

    Which if I win not, I am miserable.

    'Tis she. O that my hope could give her wings

    Or lift her through the window bodily

    To shorten this age of waiting. I could not

    Discern her look. Her steps sound hopefully.

    Enter Brigida.

    Dearest Brigida! at last! What says Antonio? Tell me quickly. Heavens! you look melancholy

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