
I'm practically alone, and miss my old life?

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I broke up with my boyfriend, and I found out my friends lied to me about a couple of things, and they dumped me. I still have this new best friend who thinks she's using me, and I also got this new boyfriend I don't think we'll be able to connect.

Im sick of breaking hearts.

I'm alone when i go to school im sick of it help




  1. Well, you're a bit young to be dating. I don't know why so many students think that dating is what life is all about. I made a very similar mistake two years ago, my freshman year of high school, and dated, only to find that it results in the crushing of your friendship with that person, and the obliteration of at least a few relationships. At the same time, I've seen friends totally changed because they allow dating to consume their lives. Not that all high school relationships are bad, but most aren't worth it. Try just being friends with someone, feelings may develop, but those are easy to be put aside. The lifelong unconditional love of a friend is far better than the short term and most likely very conditional love of a high school crush. Sounds like you are going through a lot of drama, and that's pretty characteristic of high school. I think that everyone goes through a point where a good number of their friends are lost. It's one of those things about life that just kind of sucks, but it really makes you appreciate the friendships that withstand that, and teaches you a lot. The most important thing to remember is that you are a good person, despite what others may think, and that while those people may not have accepted you for who you are, if you just continue to be you, people who will develop into very good friends will. Just persevere, and try to analyze your previous relationships with people so you can learn from any mistakes. It would do you good to forgive your previous friends for their mistakes, and accept them back if they approach you again, although it may be wise to ask them to re-earn your trust. Just remember, be yourself.

    I can relate to your situation. If you ever need anyone to talk or vent to, feel free to mail me. You can do so through my yahoo account.

  2. im confused about what your talkin about but i could help if more specific  

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