
I'm pregnant and my bf was looking at child p**n. Should I let him go or forgive him?

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The pregnancy guide said there would be strange fantasies going on with him but I never imagined anything that strange. I don't want him to be thinking of doing such things after it is born, and thinking of him thinking of that upsets me a lot.




  1. Um.....ARE YOU EFFING SERIOUS? child p**n is a CRIME. he can go to JAIL for that. the FBI actually LOOKS For people looking at that. its illegal for a reason. Thats a big red flag. i was sexually abused as a child. its not a "strange fantasy" is DISGUSTING and anyone who looks at children in sexual ways is a pedophile, no way around it. people who get caught with child p**n have to register on megans law. Strange fantasies would be like, foot fetishes or maybe starting to like looking at girls with a bush. looking at kids? thats not right. If you willfully expose your child to that, you deserve to go to jail too. knowing that he was looking at it would be enough for me to run as FAR and FAST as i could.  

  2. strange fantasies: Do not include watching or thinking about having s*x i mean raping a child.

    That is not normal. He may be a s*x offender, you never know.

    I do not care what people may say it is not normal to be looking at child p**n if you are not a perverted rapist.

  3. RED FLAG! There is no excuse for watching child p**n. EVER. It's morally wrong and if my hubby did that, I would leave him no matter how hard it would be. Remember, while it's normal for men to watch p**n, child p**n is NOT normal. Doesn't the thought of it make you sick? You can confront him about it but he'll probably have some excuse for why he did it and since I'm assuming you love him, you will be inclined to forgive him. I'm sorry to tell you that you should not forgive this kind of act and as a future mother, you should be very worried about the safety of your child. Please be careful, take care of yourself and take of your baby.

  4. OMG so wrong on So many levels.  Do you want this man around your child?

    You need to talk to someone about this fast.

  5. wow!!

    Talk to him about it!!

  6. unless you want your child taken away when the police traces the p**n back to his computer, then you should leave him ASAP. as a matter of fact you should call the police, you know that little kids get kidnapped and abused to make these porns, just because perves like you're boyfriend will watch that ****!! if you don't leave him then you're oviously putting yourself and your emotions first then you're child, you need to put you're baby up for adoption. aren't you worried that he might molest you're kid and tape it, then put it online for his sick friends??

  7. Are you just as sick as he is? Dump him and report him. CHILD p**n IS AGAINST THE LAW! This makes me wantto vomit. You are about to have a baby with him and you are just sitting back on yahoo answers asking what you should do, DO YOU HAVE ANY SENSE? Do you want to catch him messing around with your baby?

  8. Pregnancy guide said there'd be strange fantasies going on with the father of the child while YOU are pregnant....?? wtf? How does you being pregnant give him the excuse to be a PERV?

    I find this question really hard to believe, because any women I know who found out their boyfriend or even husband was looking at child p**n, would be out of there in teh blink of an eye.

    Sorta sounds like a troll question, but these days who knows?

    And any GUY i know who saw another guy looking at child p**n would bash the c**p out of him (and deservingly so)

  9. Not only is child p**n illegal, it is disgusting!!

    Do you really want to come home one day to your boyfriend molesting your child?? You should not even have to ask this question!

    He should of already been out the door when you caught him looking at child p**n!!

    Kick his *** to the curb!!

  10. s***w the pregnancy guide....What do you think? Child p**n is not like watching Asia p**n or a foot fetish, which would be a strange.  Child p**n is illegal, and if its traced back to your computer there will be h*ll to pay.

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