
I'm pregnant and my boyfriend is in the air force will he be able to come home if so for how long?

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I'm pregnant and my boyfriend is in the air force will he be able to come home if so for how long?




  1. If he happens to get personal leave that coincides with your due date then it's a possibility.  But he's working with 2 very hard realities for the military.

    First reality:  he's only a boyfriend.  You're only a girlfriend.  The military does not recognize that relationship.

    Second reality:  Even if you two were married, baby leave is not guaranteed.  It's at the command's discretion and is only allowed if the unit's schedule can support him being gone.

  2. That all depends. Where and what stage in the AF is he? Basic training-possibly. Deployed to Iraq-no. Many people have come home to a new child in the family and they couldn't go home for the birth. Is he just on TDY-possibly. Contact his command and ask, or have him ask rather...don't take away his dignity, lol.

  3. all depends on whether or not he is deployed or not if he is, unfortunately no, if he is basic training possibly and as far as how long the longest ive heard of is three months but extremely unlikely he would ge tthat much time

  4. WHere is he right now? Is he in basic? Deployed?

    Although there is one factor that might prevent anything from happening... he is your boyfriend. The military does not recognize a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.., so you contacting the red cross probably wouldn't do any good in terms of bringing him home.

  5. if he is in basic training, school or deployed: NO.

    if he is just at a duty station and has leave available he can request it, but because you are not married   you don't exist.  the only way he'd be able to come home is if he was able to get Leave.   generally speaking, no more than 2 weeks running at a time.  

  6. Girl Im in the same situation! If you start going into labor the most you can do is call Red Cross and they will get the message to him ASAP. His Sergeant will deliver the message and then he can request emergency leave which is usually up til 12 days. So he will be able to come home but he might not be able to get their fast enough for the birth. But I feel you cuz I am in the same siuation. If you need someone to talk to, email me! Good luck!

  7. Depends on if he's deployed or not...

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