
I'm pregnant & drink tons of water but have to pee a lot. I'm a musician & can't leave stage. Any suggestions?

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I play classical music so it's really not an option to leave. Sometimes I have to be on stage for 2 hours! Is there a time of day I should finish drinking my 8 glasses by so I don't have to take an embarrassing solo bow? My shows are usually at 8PM.




  1. How fast the body moves water through is different for everyone.  I suggest that you trial some time periods to see what your body does.  Do these trials on days when you are not scheduled to perform.

    First trial...have your last drink at 5:00 PM, then note how many bathroom trips you make between then and 8 PM.  Also note when the time of your last trip is.  If 5 PM is still too late, next time try 4PM...and so on until you identify your 'window'.  

    I am a heavy water drinker as well, and when I am going to be involved in something that my bathroom needs may be problematic, then I sip smaller amounts, stop drinking a couple of hours before, and use hard candies and/or throat lozenges to keep my mouth moist.

    Being pregnant may make it the baby grows, (s)he will put more and more pressure on your bladder.  So you may have to adjust your stop time as your pregnancy progresses.

    Do make sure you drink plenty during those times when you do not have to be on stage.

  2. well.. there's not much you can really do about this. holding can cause infection... and you don't want that! you might want to talk to your doctor and see what they have to say about your situation...

    Have you tried NOT drinking anything two hours before you have to preform?

  3. How bout diapers? i know it sounds weird but just in case. It would be much more embarrassing for you to leave the stage with a big wet stain down the front than risking them finding you out you wear diapers

  4. Try and drink your water early in the morning and i would stop around maybe 5pm, and you shouldn't have the need to pee a lot around 8pm.  You could also drink some water after the show in the evening.  Good luck!

  5. Drink your glass of water @ 7pm...go to the rest room @ 7:30-7:45..then u be safe. Don't drink again til after the show. Your pregnant so its hard to drink something and hold it. Good luck

  6. donot drink water befor and go to the bath room before and after

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