
I'm pregnant- what can I do for severe insomnia?

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Hi! I'm almost 6 weeks pregnant and I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping. I don't get to bed often until 3 or 4 in the morning or later. It's not that I'm not tired; I get SO exhausted and frustrated to the point of tears. Last night I slept 4 hours and it was broken and terrible. I am so tired at night that I almost throw up sometimes. I am so tired that I can't read; my vision gets blurry and I can't even focus on TV but I CAN'T slip off that edge to sleep. I've tried chamomile tea and having a soak in a lavender bath before bed; nothing works. I don't want to take sleeping pills; not at ALL. But this lack of sleep can't be good for my baby. I'll do anything; acupuncture, I'll see a naturopath, Chinese medicine- whatever. But I'd like something that WORKS! And is safe for a pregnant gal. Thanks a lot for your answers. I'm desperate!!!!!




  1. Well I wish I could help you dear. Im a mother of three and unfortunatly the first trimester is very difficult. Things should start to level out around week 8. Dont get to use to the second trimester because the third can be difficult too. I f at all possible try small naps during the day and try not to drink much before bed. Also I found that laying in a recliner or on a sofa helped me to sleep some. I also tired soft music. Sleeping on your left side may also relieve nausa and tension. Dont worry about the baby lack of sleep wont effect the babys devolopment. Also you could try a glass of wine a couple days a week but talk this over with your OBGYN first. I hope everything gets better for you and congrats!!!

  2. smoke marijuana its natural, natural is the best for the body.

  3. Easy- s*x. Pregnant women are in a state of nesting. Part of it is setting up their home, part of it is feeling safe and secure.

    s*x with your partner will give you a workout and tire you out and it'll give you the security you crave that he'll still be there through your baby's birth.

    I know, it sounds weird, but it's absolutely true.

    Whatever you do, avoid sleeping pills.

  4. weed....midwives have reccomended it for thousands of yrs. Even before the prohibition laws. Because a relaxed mom has a healthier pregnancy.One toke will do ya and the baby will be fine

  5. Drink some warm milk or chamomile tea about a hour before you go to bed, than lay in bed and breath slowly in your nose and out your mouth, before you know it you will be in dream land. This does work, I do this all he time when I have trouble sleeping. And if it don't work just ask your doctor, maybe he can give you something mild to help. Good luck with the baby and try to get some sleep now cause when you deliver you wont sleep much.

  6. This is something you must discuss with your GYN before any one else...

  7. Pl check this post.

  8. Try Reiki.  It's good for you and the baby.  Very relaxing!  My clients report afterward they slept better than they had in a long time.

  9. sleep on the flo with a pillow

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