
I'm pregnant with my 4th child, and have a 2 yr old and twin 1 year old?

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Any advice on how to manage time with the 4 men in my life... my twin boys, my 1 year old son and my hubby




  1. What's your point? There's nothing bad about having 4 kids if that's what your asking. I have three and I personally think having more kids means better responsibilities of money and sharing and also politeness.

    But can you specify your question?

  2. 2+1+1=4......................Yes, you are correct.

    I hope you are a stay at home mom. You need to be. Make up a weekly schedule for yourself. Try to have your chores and errands done when you husband gets home. Sure he should help you out but, do not make every evening a work night.

  3. You do know what causes this, right?


  4. What's your point?

  5. i guess you're going to be a busy little momma.

  6. .O.K.A.Y.

  7. what is your question?

  8. Congrats!  Sounds like you will be very busy. But I don't understand what you are asking...

  9. What is your question?

    I hope to h**l you are not asking how you got that way.

  10. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. managing a family is always a challenge. try making a schedule to sort of go by. it should be just like a guide thing -  i suppose you know when your kids nap, so do you. put the kids to bed early - like 7pm - then you spend the evening with the hubby. kids stay up too late and seem to run the homes these days. you want to be a mom - it will only get worse when they get older unless you get control of it now. there is a lot of work to being a mommy of several, you can do it.

  12. Right on! 4 kids good luck!

  13. Correct!

  14. Schedule a day where you guys can see a baseball game or go fishing.

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