
I'm preparin 4 a presentation! y dont a lot of americans study abroad? thank you all for ur honest answers

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I'm preparin 4 a presentation! y dont a lot of americans study abroad? thank you all for ur honest answers




  1. I heard that a lot of European countries are closing their doors for that kind of oppertunity cause American students are becoming a nuissance by getting drunk every night and causing a lot of disturbance. I don't know all the details cause that report was a while ago...

  2. 'Cause here in America, we generally stick to one language, and if you want to really go somewhere else you're gonna want to speak to them. Also, I wouldn't want to leave my family for that long.

  3. Let me first off tell u that i'm an american studying abroad. Now to answer ur question, in my opinion and experience US universities are on a higher level academically and are also more creditable.

    Another reason maybe that studying abroad is expensive and Americans are viewed as rich ppl around the world so we are less likely to receive financial assistance/scholarships.

  4. B/c Americans are hated in some places, and these days it's not safe.

  5. There are several reasons.

    One, is that Americans in general don't do a lot of international travel! Until passports were required for the Caribbean, Mexico and Canada, only between 10-15% of Americans had them!  Many Americans who HAD been out of the U.S. had only made it on a cruise or visited our northern or southern neighbors.

    The U.S. is traditionally isolationist -- we have big "ponds" on both sides making it difficult to get to other countries and travel until air transportation became available. We don't have a big tradition of travel. For a European, you can go to 3-5 countries in one day if you map it out right!

    We have lots of places to go in our own country. There are so many things to see and do here, from NYC to skiing, that many people feel no need to go any further.

    We are quite ethnocentric. Since the U.S. is a "superpower" many believe that going somewhere else is pointless. We also don't learn other languages and so are intimidated by travel.

    For university students, the U.S. DOES have the best universities. Many don't want to study overseas because their own university is better than any place they could go (although this is arguable).

    For high school students, many have never been out of their state and thus cannot visualize studying in another country. Unlike many European schools, our schools also don't have short "exchanges" that give the kids some "abroad" experiences.

    And finally -- it's expensive! With fees ranging from $8,000 - $10,000 (and up!) it's out of the reach of the average high school student who would want to try for the experience.

  6. As an American who has spent two semesters abroad, I would say there are several reasons that American's don't travel.

    Though there might be people who don't like Americans, I don't think that's as wide spread as some would believe. Nor do I believe it's the main deterrent.

    The main deterrent is that it's not convenient or, in some opinions, not necessary. Because other nations require students to learn English as a first language, they don't feel there's any real pressure to learn another language. (As a language teacher, trust me, I know!)

    Second, many people aren't up for travel. It would mean leaving friends/family for some time, there are many details to arrange and they aren't even sure they'll like it when they get there. Not to metion, the cost of traveling internationally is significantly steeper than it used to be.

    That being said, there is no experience in the world parallel to living and studying abroad and - if you get the change, you absolutely!! should. It's just wonderful. You never really know who you are and what your culture is until you experience what you and your culture are NOT.

  7. i'm an american student and i'm about to study abroad in germany in the next year or so.

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