
I'm pretty sure my pony has a fever/cold ?

by  |  earlier

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Her eyes are a little sad

she has a little bit of a runny nose

she wont eat (at all) & thats her favorite thing ( shes WAYY over weight)

her eyes are all pussed up

& she has heaves which doesnt help much

what are some good medications for heaves ?

i've used zev it worked fine but thats kind for muscle aches & stuff to

& soemone said something called blackberry or blueberry or something ?

any ways i need some goos suggestions

on meds !

I need to know if penaciline (spelling) would help her cold ?

or any other suggestions ?

thanks guyss ,




  1. Dexamethazone for the heaves, it is a steriod used for breathing problems.  It should also help with the eyes and nose if it is allergies.  The penicillin won't hurt if it is just a cold.

  2. i cant spell either i used penaciline and put vix around the horses nostrils  

  3. First of all, no penicillin should not be given.  When people give penicillin every time the horse might maybe have an infection, they contribute to the development of superbacteria that can't be killed.

    Penicillin should only be given when a bacterial infection has been difinitively diagnosed...not a virus, not a fungus, not a protozoal infection.  Penicillin only treats bacterial infections.

    If she refuses to eat, she is very sick and a vet should diagnose her....not Y/A answers.

    Please call your vet.

  4. Not long ago my yearling had a cold. He had a runny nose and he coughed a lot.

    Your pony does NOT sound like this is just a cold.

    If i were you i would call the vet ASAP because this sounds a lot more major then just a cold...

    although im sure everyone else in here is going to tell you the same thing, lol

  5. Sounds like allergies, I would definitely use VETBERRY...translated, "Call your Vet"  When you use this and that without knowing for sure how long certain potions stay in the system, you are playing Russian Roulette with your horse.  You need professional help on this one.  By giving this and that, you could turn a potentially mild issue (if handled by a vet) into a serious one that will also require a vet but may end in your losing your horse as well.  At this stage of the game, it doesn't seem as though it would be a serious or complicated issue for your Vet to deal with, but seriously, I wouldn't wait any long to get him/her involved.  I am the first person to try and save money and not call the vet, but sometimes, if you don't do it, it's going to cost you more in the long run.

  6. This answer is going to sound pretty generic, but I think it's the best option. Call up your vet and describe your pony's symptoms. He may not need to come out to prescribe something for your pony. It does sound like some sort of cold, but your vet would know best. And, as for the heaves, your vet would also know what to do for those. I've never dealt with them, so I can't say anything for sure.

  7. I hope you've called the vet by now!!!!!  If the animal got heavey just now and wasn't before it may have pneumonia.  You ALWAYS call the vet if the horse is acting abnormally and it isn't eating so there is a problem.  It's probably hungry but not eating because it can't breath.  If you felt this bad would you go to the doctor?  Do the same for your horse.    

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