
I'm putting a checklist together for my thesis and need suggestions of artistic activities children....?

by  |  earlier

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.... carry out in a creche.

Any suggestions?




  1. great arty things for children always do things that are not too structured allow the children to explore, texture and materials and too create from their imagination, junk glueing, collage, hand painting

  2. -Painting: have range of brushes not just paintbrushes: Toothbrushes, nail brushes, big paint brushes, thin ones etc.

    -Finger painting: thin layer of paint on tray-child can use fingers to feel and 'draw'. Then you put paper over top and it prints image.

    -Free art: glue, paper, card etc and then boxes of stuff like buttons, paper, straws, pasta etc-can have boxes, string and things like that so children can make their own arts and craft and free expression.

    -Music: free dancing to music or action songs.

    -Instruments-children can express musically eg: think of a sound for sad, happy or play music for a fair tale eg: -Goldilocks: what instrument represents daddy bear, baby bear..

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