
I'm reading the paper while I'm dining out. Should my waitress wait longer to take my order?

by  |  earlier

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or should they just get me my coffee & wait until I'm done reading.




  1. No... Tell her what you want and quit being an a*****e

  2. You should stay home and make your own coffee and read the paper there!

  3. NO.  

    To hold up the waitress is rude not only to her but all of the other patrons in the restaurant.

    She should let you sit reading your paper until you have folded it and put it on the table signifying your desire to order.

  4. No, When I was waitressing I would  just keep an eye on people who were reading  and wait for some sort of signal from the customer for example, for them to  catch my eye or put the paper down, then I would  head on over and ask if they were ready to order. I had other customers to look after as well, and had neither  the time nor the inclination to stand there and look like a dork while they  perused the sports pages.

  5. I think you are rude to make her wait. When she comes to your table, order then when done return to the paper. Waitresses dont have time to stand around and wait on you. Or to decide when you are ready. If you are there to eat then order.

  6. No, you're already showing her she's taken too long.

  7. Yes, within reason.

  8. Well I would think they would take your order as usual so that maybe you'll have your food & can read at the same time.

    Unless you made it clear you only wanted  coffee till you were done reading.

    They have a job to perform & probably don't want to be coming back & forth checking when you're done reading.

  9. No,she can say excuse or pardon me than proceed.why should she waits for u as ur not the only person to take order if ur outside.

  10. No

  11. No, a waitress makes money based on how long each person takes up space be courteous and allow her to do her job.

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